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I created a slideshow with PTE 7.0 running on Windows 7, with the option "wait for key press or mouse press to see next slide", and run it.

After that, it happens that all my slideshows, when I run them, are waiting for the keypress to see next slide, even those created without this option.

Can you help me understanding why?



Hi Paolo,

Are you saying that shows which were already created and run in an autoexecuting manner, that is they change after a period of time and have worked normally, suddenly, after you created a single slideshow with "wait for keypress" that the old executable slideshow changed so that now they no longer will autorun?

If so, that's not possible. Neither PicturesToExe nor any other slideshow program which creates executable code can not "change" the executable code. It must be done with the calling program which is the dot pte file (filename.pte). It would have to be done one at a time and new executable code created for each show. What you are describing is not possible.

If you are not running the exe file, but trying to open PTE and run the shows from the "Preview" mode, then be certain that you have changed the Project Option with the "wait for keypress" unchecked then save the show and preview it again....

Best regards,


Guest Yachtsman1


I created a slideshow with PTE 7.0 running on Windows 7, with the option "wait for key press or mouse press to see next slide", and run it.

After that, it happens that all my slideshows, when I run them, are waiting for the keypress to see next slide, even those created without this option.

Can you help me understanding why?


Hi Paolo

Are you saying Exe files are affected, or shows run from the PTE icon? Are your shows separated into different folders?



Hello Lin Evans, and Yachtsman1,

thank you for your reply :)

Yes I'm working with EXE. After running the EXE created with the option "wait for key press or mouse press to see next slide", then all my EXE slideshows, are waiting for the keypress to see next slide, even those created without this option.

Any idea why?

Thank you again and best regards


Guest Yachtsman1

Hello Lin Evans, and Yachtsman1,

thank you for your reply :)/>/>/>

Yes I'm working with EXE. After running the EXE created with the option "wait for key press or mouse press to see next slide", then all my EXE slideshows, are waiting for the keypress to see next slide, even those created without this option.

Any idea why?

Thank you again and best regards


Hi Paolo

An exe file cannot be changed in the way you suggest. If you have set your PTE programme to make a manual show, then used those settings to create a new show, it will be a manual exe. If however you start a new show by selecting New Project, the parameters will change back to their default which is an automatic progress show.

See screen shots pi to p3, other items show exe file icon & PTE icon. Previously made exe files will not change. Please confirm the files you say are changing have the blue icon with the right facing arrowhead.







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