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pan/zoom all slides


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That's not a feature available in PTE. The assumption, and for good reasons I believe, for a slideshow is that each photograph is different and to apply a same pan/zoom to all would simply not work. What works for one may or may not work for another so the pan/zoom/rotate features are done on a per slide basis.

There is a work-around if you really want to do it that way. You "could" do it for a single slide when you begin your show, then copy/paste that slide as many times as you have other slides. The copy/paste can be done with Ctrl V which works very fast.

Then use the "replace" slide for each of the copy/pasted originals to add your replacement slides. It would, of course, be much slower than adding them all at once, but much faster than setting separate keyframes for each slide once they have been added.

A while back one of our forum members, Tom - created a program to apply pan and zoom universally. I don't know the details, but here is a link to where it all started. Perhaps you may find something useful.

Link To Forum Discussion

Best regards,


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