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play video clip across several slides


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Make slide one the Master.

Copy and paste in the Slide Panel.

Adjust times of slides one and two as required and make slide two "Link to" the Master.

Copy and paste Slide two as many times as required. The Link is then established in the copied slides.

That is just one way.


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Make slide one the Master.

Copy and paste in the Slide Panel.

Adjust times of slides one and two as required and make slide two "Link to" the Master.

Copy and paste Slide two as many times as required. The Link is then established in the copied slides.

That is just one way.


Thank DG, but the video is meant to play over hundreds of slides and they all have different images. The same question actually also can be asked regarding having the same image inset (for instance in the top right corner) into hundreds of slides. And no, the logo-approach does not work in this case, because it is not meant to be in **all** slides.


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Hi Jorg,

I'm confused. First you say you want this to appear on "each slide" then you say not on "all slides."

"because it is not meant to be in **all** slides." "I am doing another one, but wanted to have the flight path as a video displayed in the top-right corner of each slide".

What Dave has told you is correct. Perhaps you are confusing the term "slide?" You have to copy and paste the "video" in the first slide on the Objects and Animations screen as the "Master."

Size and position it, pay attention to the numbers for zoom and pan. Then on the second slide make the same "video" link to the master in the Properties Tab. Put in the same values in the Pan and Zoom blocks for this video. Now copy and paste this video from the second slide which is linked to the Master, to each successive slide in the Objects List on the Objects and Animations screen where you want it to appear. The pan and zoom values which position and size the slide will be transferred to each successive slide that way.

The "sound" for this video will continue to play if you "skip" copying it to one or more slides. The only way to stop the sound is to "Mute" the audio of the video (do this before you copy and paste), then add the video as an audio, then control it via the waveform for those slides you don't want the sound on. What you are trying to do is complex and you may have to spend a bit of time learning how this all works, but it can be done. It would certainly be easier if you just had the video appear sequentially on "each" slide from the time it (the video) starts until it ends.

Sorry, there is no way to magically give a single command to make the video appear on all or some of the slides. You must copy and paste it to each slide where you want it to appear - that's the way PTE works. If you use CTRL V to paste it to each slide this can go very fast, but there is no single command you can use to tell the program you want this video (or an image) to appear on every slide in the same place.

Best regards,


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