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See if this works :

Open old project file .... correct/verify settings ... then do a SAVE AS of that file.

See if the new SAVE AS file opens correctly now.



A update.

Seems Igor will create a fix for the previous file opening issue that happens in Beta 6.

It wont be available till the next release ... but thats what these beta versions are all about ... testing and finding fixes :lol:


Hi Nobeefstu

I have to say that I am rather inclined to disagree with your last comment

"but thats what these beta versions are all about ... testing and finding fixes"

especially after having spent the best part of 4 or 5 hours perfecting a show! I am of the school that believes that the programme should have been thoroughly tested before it was released.....thank heavens the aerospace industry doesn't take that approach!

The Image Suite


Of course we all want not to "waste" time. However, when I choose to try the Beta version of any software, I am willingly accepting the risk of just what you are saying Image Suite. :) And hopefully, such time may indeed help the program originator to conquer all the bugs so the released version is indeed more nearly perfect. I really do give a lot more leaway to a Beta version.


I have to disagree :) Beta is still Beta

! I am of the school that believes that the programme should have been thoroughly tested before it was released

Software Developers usually develop their products in stages and versions. Alpha/Beta/Release. Alpha is very primitve and buggy. Beta is most bugs fixed but requires testing and tweaking. Release is near perfect for everyday consumer use ( none is perfect). A user of a Beta version should not typically release their own final works to consumers because its still in Beta testing and development. To guarantee your works to your consumer .... you should use the latest Release version. Igor allows us to test with his Beta versions on our own free will ... but his latest Release version is the normal to use.

Alpha / Beta Definition

The terms alpha and beta refer to releases of software that are typically not ready for commercial use. Alpha refers to the very early release, which is typically very buggy and only released to few people internal to the organization. It is helpful, in development, to get feedback very quickly from the hacker community, or potential customers with the beta version. Releasing a beta version has become standard practice with the evolution of the internet as a mode of distribution for the software. It is a part of the development model for open source software.


Thanks Stu for that information. I have to agree with you too.

I am glad we get to test the beta versions before the new version is released.

We all use this program in different ways. It would be very hard for Igor to do all the testing

we all do. Myself I enjoy playing with the new features and trying to find ways I will use them

when the final version is released. I do most of my playing in the new beta's. Making things for my

Family and Friends. But, When I am working on a project that has to run. I always go back to the

latest final release.



Nobody forces anybody to use beta as their final tool -- one can always stay with the last final -- think it was 4.14, but look at all the new things that one would miss. Igor's beta's have been stable for some time now -- he hasnt issued a new one 2 days after the last one in quite a long time. ;)

I must have nearly a doz beta's and final editions installed -- 3.50 is the version in the main directory on

C:\Program Files\PicturesToExe

by having all these versions i can switch back with no problem

weve come a long way and the only way we have come this far is by forum members making suggestions to Igor and crew how they can improve the proggie, then testing testing testing.

In a way we are similar to the space program, they test test before they make a "final"

ken B)


The project was fine once opened and saved checking the transisitions were not selected. It would be nice if the default transistion could be user selected. I prefer to use the fade all the time but thats me.

As for beta testing, everyone knows that a beta may have bugs, it takes a lot of developmet time to test every eventuality. If we were paying top dollar (English phrase) then it would be a different story. Any way no one makes you download the bata version.




It would be nice if the default transistion could be user selected. I prefer to use the fade all the time but thats me.

It is possible to use the PTEs Templates/Manager to create various default settings you may consistantly use over and over. Insert all your perferred setting and then press File> Templates> Create template from this show. All your templates will get listed under File> Templates> for access. To begin making a particular show build with settings you prefer ... select your desired template first. You can create numerous templates to suit your needs.

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