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When adding a text object on a slide, if typing the text you use a "/" not only the "/" is written as expected but there is an undesired zoom effect on the screen : something goes wrong.



I got the problem at my first attempt - but cannot replicate it again!

I added a Text object to a main image of a slide (as a child of the main image) then started to key the text = Abc/////// (I held down the "/" key so that it went into typomatic mode). As soon as I hit the "/" the image appeared to zoom. On investigation, what had happened was an apparent change of aspect ratio from 16:9 to 5:4 or 4:3 (I couldn't be sure which because the contents of all the O&A tabs were blanked out. I was using the field on the O&A Toolbar to change the zoom level. This showed that the image was no longer being displayed at 16:9).

Try as I might, I cannot get a repeat of the problem. Just in case it is a font-related problem: I am using Nyala and running v7.5.8 on Win7.




My observation, v7.5.9, Windows 8:

  • I drag some image to the slide list.
  • I open O&A
  • I set the size to "Auto"
  • I insert a text object (The word "Text" in Arial shows up.)
  • I add "/" to this text, and the size changes to 100%
  • I reset the size to "Auto" (or to some other value different from 100) and add some characters to the text. In case of "/" there will be the change to 100% again.




Same as Xaver.

Auto is the thing that Daniel (possibly) did not mention.

After Peter tried it - did he go back to Auto??

I never use Auto.


P.S. The fault was also there in V7.5.9.

P.P.S The fault was not there in V7.0.7


I confirm this problem. I just fixed it.

It seems "/" key is used for scaling editor to 100%, and "*" for scaling editor to Auto.

But they should be blocked while typing the text.

The error indeed appeared in version 7.5.0.




It seems "/" key is used for scaling editor to 100%, and "*" for scaling editor to Auto.


Yes, this seems to be true. Is there anybody at WnSoft who knows about all hotkeys? Or is it DG's task to maintain his list?




Hi Xaver,

If anyone knows of a Keystroke which is not included on the list, please add it to the thread in a post and I will edit the first post.


What have you done to "fix" the problem?




I blocked "/" and "*" hotkeys while typing the text. So the behavior would be the same as in versions 7.0.7 or earlier.


You're right, these hotkeys should be in the User Manual. It was our mistake to not include them.


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