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I'm using version 7.5.9. Although I selected "Repeat show until esc key is pressed", the show just stops when the show ends, and the last picture remains on the screen. What am I missing? How can I make it repeat?


Works OK here.

Check your timings - make sure that the slide duration is longer than the Transition times etc?

If you can't figure it please post a short TEMPLATE or BACKUP IN ZIP - just one or two slides - no music.

We'll try to figure out what the problem is.



As nobody has yet claimed to be able to recreate this scenario I doubt it is a bug. However, let's explore that hypothesis. Please create a new project with just two slides and with "Repeat show until Esc key is pressed" selected. Use the Preview button to preview the sequence. Does this sequence exhibit the same problem when in Preview? If so, do "File > Create Backup in Zip" and upload the zip file to the forum so that we can take a look at it.




I did the two slide program and it repeated as directed.

When I viewed my "problem" program I didn't want to wait 26 minutes just to see if the end went to repeat. I just let it run from the second to last slide by clicking the slide in the big view window.

Is there a shortcut on "preview", or must one always watch the program from the beginning?


You can press the space bar to quickly go through the show one at a time.

Or you can press the "Piece of toast" icon to Preview from current slide.



Go to Settings / Preferences / Toolbars and make sure that "Preview From Current Position" is ticked.

Note which toolbar it is on.

This is configurable by user - you can put it wherever you want it.


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