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Trouble moving pictures in Objects and Animation Window [SOLVED]


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Hello All,

I have a problem with my project. Some of the images on the slides can't be moved. I can select the image in the Objects and Animation window (creating the green selection border). I can resize the image in place, even rotate using the handles on the border. But I can't move the image using the mouse.

Moving the image works on other slides in the same project.

Is there some feature I'm tripping on?

This is maddening,


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There is a feature called "Ignore objects not selected" or similar.(7.5.9 - Settings / Preferences / Editor).

With that ticked select your object in the object panel and click on it in the O and A screen and you should be able to move it with mouse or the PZR controls.

Which version are you running??


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  • 2 months later...

I am trying to move objects in the O&A screen... I have even tried checking and unchecking the option (ignore object selected) in the TOOLS menu... to no avail. Any suggestions?


You need to make sure that you are on a Keypoint (the red dots along the Timeline in O&A)

Make sure that a keypoint is highlighted & the little blue triangle is below the red dot.

If you are not on a keypoint then the green bounding box & grab handles don't show & you cannot move the image.


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I have been using this program since it first came out. The key point is highlighted etc.. still no luck. (Rob)By move I mean moving left and right etc. I have had this problem with the earlier version also... I am using version 7.5.10.

Any other suggestions?

Todd, Can you move the image by using the up/down arrows on the Pan field in O&A Animations Tab?

Just make sure that the Object is selected in the Bottom right pane of the O&A window.

The only problems I have ever had is when I forget to select a keypoint first.

Try posting a screen shot of the window & maybe we can spot something.

Sorry can't be of any more help.


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Hi Todd,

If you have perhaps set the object to a "non-linear" mode such as "smooth" - you will need to set it back to linear before moving the object. If that's the case just click on any keyframe for the object then click on linear and that will reset all keyframes for this object. You "should" be able to move it then.

The basic rule is do all motions "before" setting non-linear motion. Changing from linear to non-linear is the very last step...

Best regards,


I have been using this program since it first came out. The key point is highlighted etc.. still no luck. (Rob)By move I mean moving left and right etc. I have had this problem with the earlier version also... I am using version 7.5.10.

Any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time

Kind Regards,


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You do realise that you need a pair of keyframes to achieve motion, don't you? The first keyframe defines the start point for the motion, the second keyframe defines the end point.



I have tried everything that you all have suggested, to no avail. ( I appreciate your time in this matter)

What is interesting is that in the first 3 slides I can move the objects, it is only in the slides that follow that

I am not able to move the objects/text.

I have created a blank slide to work with as well as copied and pasted one of the first three into the fourth slot and still not able to move the objects. :(




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