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autorun PTE


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How can something so seemingly simple have so many quirks and touchy behavior? Here is the problem -




That is the autorun file on the cd I created last night.

The complete directory on the cd is:



Peru.exe (8 mb)

PeruFront.exe (390 kb)

PeruFront.exe is a 3-slide show with the final slide customized checked to "Run external application." Peru.exe is the main PTE presentation.

On PC #1 the above works as intended.

On PC #2 autorun does run the PeruFront.exe but the main show does not get started! After the "Front" show, the pc returns to the desktop.

Both PC's are on XP Home.

Does someone understand this?

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I suspect you created the PTE shows on PC#1.

My guess would then be your "run external application" paths used are not written in PTE correctly. Your PC #1 is probably reading the original files on the hard drive and not really from the CD. Verify all your paths written in your PTE links.

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I suspect you are absolutely right, nobeefstu!

I did think it might be a path problem, but until you answered here, I didn't even think - as you suggest - I probably "browsed" to the external file instead of typing in the path to the "root."

Thank you, now I can complete at least one thing today!

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