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need help big time!


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Hi mdesant - welcome

I trust you have the .exe saved somewere.

If so the answer is " Yes you can retrieve them " one of our members "boxig" has created a program for just that reason.

Someone may add and explain a little more as I have not used the progam.

In the meantime you may want to read:


Another method - Print screen key ( but has to be done for every image and rather time consuming.)

By any chance did you enable " Don't allow <Print Screen> to copy pictures " - not sure if this effects boxig's program or not ?

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Guest Techman1

Fortunately, I haven't had this situation and I do feel for you. Although, I feel that we are too open to give this type of information away so easily considering many use this program to protect their images and distribute them to customers. Even when the Don't Print feature is turned on, this utility gives people the ability to save these images to their harddisk.

I personally am concerned when someone can take my photo's from a CD that I thought I had protected using PTE's features only to not be secured at all through the use of this utility. Especially when someone signs on as a new user and the first thing from them is a question like this. It may be completely valid and please MDESANT don't take this the wrong way, but this has continued to come up recently and I for one am concerned. We either need to turn these security features off in PTE and not even offer them or I would ask BOXIG "Granot" to secure this utility and only give it out upon special requests.

I realize that there are other ways around some of these things, but it really gives potential customers a false sense of security when we are so open to help people get around the security that was built into PTE. I would really like to hear Igor's comments on this subject also.

Generally, I am very open to help people. But in this case, I feel that we may be hurting more people than we are helping.

I am now off my soap box for the evening. Thank you for listening!


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Boxig spends a considerable amount of time creating these little "savers" so that other people can get out of a jam --

there is no privacy in computers if you have the patience and or money.

there are specialty services to retrieve lost data from hard drives.


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I do feel split completely down the middle on this aspect which Fred pointed out.

Personally I feel that the ability to retrieve the lost PTE data (i.e reversing what Igor has written into the software) should come from Igor & PTE.

Maybe ;) I think I would like to see this utility removed from Boxig's list B) (Jury is still out though!)

BUT .....

Anyone who has lost their files, contacts PTE - who could forward the request directly to Boxig.

He could then take some of their details and ask for a donation / fee

Unfortunately this makes extra work for PTE & Boxig...... :(

It won't stop those who really are out to collect others images but some professionals may feel a little secure & happier.

Many thanks to Boxig and others for producing all these wonderful utilities.

Hope this encourages others to go to his site and use them

Don't forget the donation button Folks!

BW Maureen

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:blink: I find it difficult to see how anyone can do much usefully with the kind of low-res image needed for PTE to work effectively, other than use it in another show. If you're really bothered, why not include a discrete "copyright" notice on each image (in Photoshop). Of course, someone could also clone these out but I'm sure I couldn't be bothered! :unsure:
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mdesant had a problem and he came to us The Forum for help and here we are telling him it is not legal etc -- this subject has been thrashed about time and again

as Al robinson said once "you cant take em with you" or words to that effect.

remember folks -- you might be there someday yourself and then you will be hoping for some

in·ge·nu·i·ty [ ìnjə n itee ] (plural in·ge·nu·i·ties)


inventiveness: cleverness and originality

[Late 16th century. From Latin ingenuitas , from ingenuus (see ingenuous).]


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Using screen capture devices or programs such as Boxigs Restore PTE will only produce a screen capture copy of whats displayed on the pc screen. It will not reproduce or extract the exact copy of your original inserted photo contained within the PTE executable.

So if your photos or images lost on your hard drive were of some high quality (printing use) ... you wont retrieve that information in your screen capture process.

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Guest Techman1

Everyone, I knew this would be received with differing opinions. My concern is from a professional photographer point of view and that for my fellow professionals. This isn’t a negative towards Boxig at all, because he has done so many wonderful things and this utility is just another of his great creations. My real concern is that we are so willing to help, that we are actually taking the value of PTE down since we are prompting the circumvention of it’s built in security.

I realize the screen shots are of a lower resolution than the actual original image, but with Photoshop (or some other programs) utilizing their bicubic resizing these images can still be enlarged. I personally tested the program to see what exposure there was and still feel that it creates an image that could be printed with some success (depending on your desire and expectations).

I agree that a more secure method is to place a “proof” watermark also over your images (I’ve done that on occasion), but that is just another step. Igor had brought this up a while back that this feature may be incorporated into PTE. If it is, this would help many professionals who don’t use Photoshop and I believe would assist in further sales of PTE to professionals around the world. Igor any update on this? Is this something we might see in an upcoming release?

Again, I appreciate everyone in this forum and have benefited from Boxig and many others who support everyone here, but I did feel that this issue should be addressed.

Have a good day and I feel better now that I've vented again. Long Live PTE - Did I mention what a great product this is! Thanks again Igor for continuing to improve it!


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It has been addressed 100's of times already

and the consenus has been to move on beacause it is going to happen no matter how hard you try to stop it -- if the people that are scabbin your pictures, drop them as customers, they are not worth worrying about -- while you are trying to prevent it your mind is occupied and you may be missing the "elusive honest customer"


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  • 2 years later...

A long time ago I made a suggestion which I still think should be considered. Within the code of PicturesToExe place a feature which allows retrieving the images from the executable via a password known only to the original creator of the executable file. This would solve the problem of retrieving lost images when the executable is available and still protect the images from theft as well as they can be protected.

Right now, dozens if not a hundred different screen capture tools (including Boxig's) are available which can easily capture the images in their displayed resolution. That can't be helped and is an issue which the photographer must deal with each in their own way. But if a feature were added to PicturesToExe which would allow the owner of P2E to embed a password in the executable code then use that password to extract the jpg's etc., then the problem would be eliminated of being able to reconstruct one's missing images from an executable file. This, of course, would only work if the person owned PicturesToExe and would require "both" the program PicturesToExe as well as the created executable code "and" the encripted password.

Best regards,


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Lin, to me your idea seems like a very good idea. Perhaps Igor will indicate if he sees any problem with it.

Currently, many of us typically make our exe file out of photos resized to 1024x768. If the screen capture programs capture the same size monitor screen, is the resulting file identical or comprable to the original 1024x768 quality?

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Lin, to me your idea seems like a very good idea. Perhaps Igor will indicate if he sees any problem with it.

Currently, many of us typically make our exe file out of photos resized to 1024x768. If the screen capture programs capture the same size monitor screen, is the resulting file identical or comprable to the original 1024x768 quality?

Yes, if the files are being displayed on a 1024x768 resolution screen then the screen captures should be virtually the same as the originals assuming they are then saved at a very low compression.

Best regards,


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