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PTE Show sizes.

Guest Yachtsman1

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Guest Yachtsman1

I'm at the editing stage of our Somerset holiday pictures. I've divided the pictures into separate folders for the particulr show headings. Some of the headings have more pictures than I would wish to include in one show (including mine & Margaret's).

For instance I have a subject named Wells, (the city)the pictures from Wells have 2 distinctive themes, the city & the Cathedral, so I will produce 2 separate PTE shows from the picture pool, the question is will it make any difference if to the show size in MB if I allow the images from both shows to sit in the same folder, even though some are not being used. I usually make separate folders for each show, but thought I would give this way a try to save time & confusion.




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It makes no difference how many pictures, videos, sound files etc are in a Folder.

It is only when you include them into the Slide List that PTE adds to the exe file size.

Also if you include the same picture many times, PTE will only add the size once to the exe.

(But the size will be increased if you create an avi file or dvd output.)


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Guest Yachtsman1

Thanks Jill.

However I'm still not clear. If I have 100 images in my show folder & use 50, the exe size will be the same as if I had only 50, now the bit needing clarification, if I create an AVI or DVD, are you saying the size will be proportional to the 100 slides in the folder?

Regards Eric


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Hi Eric,

If you have 100 images in your folder each of 5mb & you use 50 of them. Your exe size will be 250mb plus a few extra KB for the PTE instructions.

If you use 20 images & they were all the same image, the exe would be 5mb BUT the avi would be 100mb (in round numbers).

Hope this helps.


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Eric,

If you have 100 images in your folder each of 5mb & you use 50 of them. Your exe size will be 250mb plus a few extra KB for the PTE instructions.

If you use 20 images & they were all the same image, the exe would be 5mb BUT the avi would be 100mb (in round numbers).

Hope this helps.


Hi Jill

No I'm afraid that doesn't clarify my original question. I think I will do a test show & see what happens.

Regards Eric


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Jill

No I'm afraid that doesn't clarify my original question. I think I will do a test show & see what happens.

Regards Eric


Hi Jill

Just done a test, used 21 of my 80 images in a separate folder, result exe = 9.68MB MP4 69MB

In the main folder with 80 images 5 videos, created a show with the 21 images used previously, exe = 9.68MB, MP4 = 69MB. Conclusion for Exe's or MP4's there is no file size change no matter how many unused images the folder contains. It's a while since I burned a DVD using PTE, but if my memory is correct the number of images used is selectable.

Regards Eric


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I think you misunderstood my reply.

Your test demonstrates what happens when each image in your project is different.

Now repeat the same test, but copy Image1 into your project 21 times. (or however many times you want)

So all 21 images are exactly the same filename.

See screen shot with 5 images all the same.

The image is 1mb so the exe file is just over 1mb (as it includes the Blanks & the PTE code)

If all 5 images are different then the exe is just over 5mb



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Hi Eric,

Think of it this way. Let's say your slideshow contains only two images which you want displayed for 30 seconds each. The executable code tells the computer to display these two images and keep them each on the screen for 30 seconds. There are only two images stored in the executable file regardless of the amount of time you want them displayed, in whatever order or if you change the order 100 times and display them for an hour. The entire executable file only requires a single copy of each image and it will display them however the instruction codes tells it to do so. You can zoom in, zoom out, rotate, invert, flip, transform, etc., etc., etc. You could display these two image forever and the executable file will not change size if you add these same two images a thousand times to your show. The computer only uses and stores the two images one time. The GPU of your computer is a "smart" device. It does what it is told and can execute a large number and type of instructions. If you zoom your image, the CPU or GPU can understand increase the size by 1 percent and display again for 1/60th of a second then increase the size by 2 percent and display for 1/60th of a second and so on.

On the other hand if you create a video file, the same two images are "stored" inside the file as many times as they must be displayed per second. If you have your video set for a display of 4 minutes at 30 frames per second and your two images are 1 megabyte each, the combined size is two megabytes and they will be stored inside the file 30 times each second for a total of 7200 images. That's one image every 1/30th of a second or 30 images per second times 60 seconds per minute times 4 minutes. The "brain" of the display device, whether it be a beamer (projector), video player, DVD player, BluRay player or otherwise is very small. It has an instruction set which says "load and display this image for 1/30th of a second, unload this image, load the next image and display for 1/30th of a second, unload this image ...... etc., until it reaches an end of file marker. So the two megabytes combined of the two images then become 7200 times two megabytes in file size. This increases by a factor of 2 megabytes for each second of video display time. All "frames" whether identical or different must be stored inside the file.

It doesn't matter how many images are in your "folder" - it's only the images loaded into your show which influence the size of the video or the size of your executable file. The executable file is only increased in size by the total size of one each of the images stored and only if they are different. If the same image is loaded multiple times, it does not increase the size of the file further. For a video, each time an image is used, it increases the size of the file accordingly.

Best regards,


Hi Jill

Just done a test, used 21 of my 80 images in a separate folder, result exe = 9.68MB MP4 69MB

In the main folder with 80 images 5 videos, created a show with the 21 images used previously, exe = 9.68MB, MP4 = 69MB. Conclusion for Exe's or MP4's there is no file size change no matter how many unused images the folder contains. It's a while since I burned a DVD using PTE, but if my memory is correct the number of images used is selectable.

Regards Eric


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi All

I think everyone is misunderstanding what I wanted to know. I'll try again, I have about 1000 images from our holiday, they are stored in 5 folders with show subject headings say Wells, is one. I will make at least two shows from those Wells images, normally, I would create a separate folder for the two shows, Wells a & Wells b, to save time what I wanted to know was would keeping all the Wells images in one folder increase the size of each show in whatever format Exe or MP4. My test answered my question, no it wouldn't. So thank you all, hope you enjoy my Somerset shows when they are done.

Regards Eric

Yachtsman1. ;)/>/>

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