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Transitioning from a link to a slide


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Hello. Maybe someone can answer this question? When I create a link on a slide to go to another slide in my presentation the transition works fine except for the fact that for a split second the previous slide is shown... for example - If I create a link on

slide number 1 to go to slide number 4, the transition occurs but for a brief second slide number 3 is seen. I can always place a blank slide in front of the slide I am linking to to fix this but I am sure there is another way... does anyone know how to remedy this problem.

Thank you for your time.

Kind regards


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If you are using any transition other than "Quick" that is what happens. Your target slide (call it SlideC) includes, at its start, a transition from the immediately physically preceding slide (call that SlideB). If you call SlideC from SlideA, the fade ouit of SlideB is part of the duration of SlideC and so you see a glimpse of SlideB before you see SlideC.

Solution: Use only quick transitions into your target slides or do as you suggest and place a suitable "dummy slide" in front of each target slide.



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