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We can drag & drop files directly from a Windows Explorer window into PTE Slide View.

However the order is not as expected.

It doesn't seem to matter how the files are sorted in Explorer, or what the Sort Order is set to in PTE, the files don't seem to end up in any logical sequence.

EG if Explorer is sorted alphabetically, so I get slide1, slide1a, slide1c, slide2.....Slide5c etc when dropped into PTE there is no logical order & I can end up with Slide2, slide2c, Slide5c, slide1a ......

They are not in date order either.

Does anyone know the order that they are dropped in?



Just had a look at this and what I've tried is:

Open a folder containing some pics.

Set a sort order (eg By name or by date or by size etc etc)

Select a few files randomly, for dragging into PTE.

Now, to do the drag and drop you need to point onto any one of the Highlighted files, then hold the mouse button down to do the drag and drop.

It seems that whichever file you point to in order to carry out the drag and drop, becomes the first one in the PTE list and the rest follow according to your chosen sort order.




Thanks, that does seem to be the case.

It starts from the one you click on & goes to the end of the list, then back to the top.

So always click on the first to drag a group in a set order.


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