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I have recently made a couple of specific purpose PTE shows that I would not mind sharing. But the shows, while not real long, were made with no reason to struggle to keep file size small. So the shows are big enough (36-40 mb) that I'd rather not burden Bill's Beechbrook site.

I've had a new website of my own for about 5 months now without knowing how to use it. Now, with these shows I decided I better start learning. However - I have overhauled most the software on my PC and changed browsers (for now) etc. In the process I have lost any reference to who my webhost is. It is a provider that was mentioned in this forum by Mitch Silver, but I don't know if he uses the host or would remember. (It was something like "IBC" or ?) My real question is - I do at least know my URL - so is that enough for me to somehow trace down my web host so I can find out how to access and build the pages?

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Hi LumenLux

You'll find out soon enough when they bill you next! :(

Joking apart............did you purchase the domain name from them? Have you thought about going to a domain name site and putting in your own URL into the search to see if it is free and then when it shows that it has been purchased, double-clicking to see who is hosting through the information sheet.......? Not entirely sure that all the information will be there but it's worth a try............what is the URL anyway?

The Image Suite

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