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Hi All

Just posted a new show on Mediafire, link below. Couldn't figure out what to do with all the macro shots I'd acquired over the Summer, then came up with this idea.

Hope you enjoy




A super set of Macro photos. Very well put together show.


Many Thanks


I agree with Ken.

And ... I dont trust Mediafire !

In PTE one can choose to "safe executable file for internet (EXE file in ZIP with digital signature)"


Brilliant Macro insect shots. They always seem to win the open competitions at my photo club and I am sure most of these would as well.


I like the photo but the choice of music sounds odd to me.

And I would prefer a different background and a 16:9 format.

Just my personal tastes :-)

Anyway, thank you for sharing Barnston.


Hi thanks for the comments, I tend to stick with 4/3 format as that is what my club prefer for competitions and they A/v's are also projected on to a 4/3 screen for presentation. I dont usually regard them as viewable on a tv monitor/screen



Hi thanks for the comments, I tend to stick with 4/3 format as that is what my club prefer for competitions and they A/v's are also projected on to a 4/3 screen for presentation. I dont usually regard them as viewable on a tv monitor/screen


Every time I hear this I want to scream at the camera club committee for still clinging onto this ridiculous belief that because their projector is 4:3 everything must be made at that format. Barnston. You can if you wish make your slide shows 16:9 format (or any other) and they will play back fine on a 4:3 projector. I have been doing it for years.


Brilliant Macro insect shots. They always seem to win the open competitions at my photo club and I am sure most of these would as well.

The success of natural history images in clubs must be universal. If beaks and feathers as I refer to them appear you can nearly guarantee other images will be also rans. I think people are mesmerised by the detail. I enjoy the images but prefer to see some pictorial aspect in the composition. I am speaking here of Club Comps and not referring to the images here.


Amazing beautiful images. Seldom have I seen such clarity outside of the likes of the BBC etc. The depth of field achieved is terrific. Can we enquire what equipment was used?

Besides the photography I also enjoyed the sequence, nice pace, not too much animation and interesting choice of music.




Thanks again for the kind comments. The macros were all taken with a fairly dated Sigma 105 macro on a Canon 60d body. The ant shots were taken with the same but with a 12mm extension tube inserted between lens and body. Hardest part was getting back on my feet after taking the ants.

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