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I just have to share this with any other Mac/Parallels user.

I have just upgraded to Parallels 9 from 8 in readiness for OS XMavericks due to be released soon. As part of the deal Parallels areoffering an app (Parallels Access) that enables remote access fromthe iPad to the main computer. I have been able to access PTE 8 Beta5from my iPad and edit a sequence I am presently working on. I have noidea if there are any limitations – time will tell.

I am also able to access my library of PTE (PC) sequences and playthem on the iPad.

Clearly WiFi access is necessary and the host iMac has to bepowered up.

I am most impressed.




Hi John,

Sounds very impressive! I wonder, however, how security might be impacted by the possibility of electronic eavesdropping allowing some nefarious character to get your password and such and gain access to your home computer? Hopefully, there are protection protocols in place to combat that scenario.

Best regards,


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