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Another Sound Sync Question


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Hi There,

Firstly I must say that I am quite impressed with Pictures2Exe and its capabilities.

I do have one question so far, and I've searched the forum. Say I have 10 mp3 clips from songs that I would like to play with 10 images, and I would like the image to change after the clip is played. From what I've read so far, we would use a sound editor (i.e. audacity) and concatenate the bits together, then use the timeline to sync it.

Is this the only way? or since we have the option of associating a sound file with an individual image, can we not have an option to use the length of the sound file to determine when the transition would come. This way, if the sound bite is too long, then we can use the sound editor to fade in/out the portion down to a time we want, or if it is too short, use the sound editor to pad the sound byte to lengthen it?



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Hi, Leighton,


What you describe (i.e. having the sound determine the slide duration) is not automatic now in PTE. However, you can load up a number of sound files in Project Options/Music, without joining them togther, and then drop your slides on the timeline when you hear the end of each selection. In fact you will see a vertical blue line at the end of each music selection, which should help you in locating the image transitions.

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It sounds like you are not synchronizing your show via the timeline but using the duration values in Customize Slide to control the sync. This will work but you will not achieve a precise timing for all computers unless you synch to the timeline.

As far as displaying the times for the music, we have asked Igor for this feature before, as well as an estimate of the total time, in non-sync mode, but he has not yet been able to provide it. The main problem is that on different computers, in non-sync mode, the timing of the slides would be slightly different, due to different processing capabilities, etc. If timing is critical, use the timeline. Note, too, that if you are using the timeline, the program ignores any "Custom" slide duration values.

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