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Hi all,

New much better (and completely free) version of "CD_Installer".

Here is from the Readme file:

1) Run Presentation from CD.

2) Run Screen Saver from CD.

3) Install Presentation.

4) Install Screen Saver.

5) Create a Shortcut to Presentation on Desktop using the

icon of your presentation.

How to do it:


Make a new temporary folder call it "ToBurn". Put inside this new folder the "autorun.inf" file (included in the zip), your "Readme.txt" file (write it by yourself), your screen saver (".scr") file (only one file !), your presentation (".exe") file (only one file !), and "CD_Installer.exe" file (this program).

It will look like this:

ToBurn (folder) - autorun.inf (file)

YourShow.exe (file)

YourScreenSaver.scr (file)

Readme.txt (file)

CD_Installer.exe (file)

Burn to your Cd all the content of "ToBurn" folder.

Do not burn the whole folder, only the files inside it !

Operating Systems to install Screen Saver are Win95/98/Me/XP/2K.

When user will insert the CD, the "autorun.inf" will autorun

"CD_Installer.exe" and the program will open.

See program page here.

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Granot I briefly tried your CD_Installer yesterday. It seemed to work well and I did not happen to hit the bugs. But thanks for correcting them.

I think with all the many, many, ideas you have, it must be a task to decide how to package them. I have a thought in that direction. Has to do with CD_Installer and your (also good) All_exe. program. I think both programs can be quite useful. Perhaps you could combine them for even greater utility. Could you make it so the All_exe would bring up all the PTE shows in a left column (like it does now) and then have the CD_Installer feature in the right side of the window? Then if the viewer could check which PTE show on the left is to be acted upon by the CD_Installer choices on the right. It seems that would be very useful for my personal use and maybe even more useful for commercial users of PTE. ;)

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:P eh eh Robert, I'm sure I've already done something like this. Display all shows on the CD and let user install the one he likes. (But I don't remember :o which one).

Anyway, it is good idea to make a completely new version.

So please tell me all features you want (other members too) and hope I can do it.


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Ok. Uploaded version 3.0 which is "CD_Installer" + "All_exe" + "All_scr" in one window. Now you can put as many presentations and screen savers on your CD and when inserting, user will see the list of all. Then user select one and can run or install or make a shortcut. Also he can read your "Readme" on that window and get info about total number of shows and savers.

Notice: Better to add to all your presentations the word "Show" or "P" to the file name and "Saver" or "S" to screen savers, so they will be arranged in order.

I really like to get some feedback about this one.

And if you use it for your business, please consider a donation :o


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Granot, my computer doesn't even respond as quickly as you do! :D

Thank you for making this combo. Like you, I wondered if you had tried similar earlier. But as you suggest, this new one will likely be better or super better. I will certainly get to trying it here soon.

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