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New use to ver7.5 problem help please


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I have only just started using ver 7.5 (from 5.5) and have a problem when viewing show. P to Exe puts a white line around show when playing which is Ok UNTIL I try to zoom or pan. Then the white line goes off screen so appears to be part of the original image (I didn't put it there) so the show looks horrible at that point with some lines going and some staying. So I want to remove the white line on all images...... How please ???

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The only way that will happen is if the White Line is part of the image?

Have you been trying the "Adjust Image and Border" window and forgotten about it?

In the File menu you will see the option to create a "Backup in ZIP".

Put a couple of slides into a project where this problem occurs and try to keep the file size below 2Mb.

Post it here so that someone can analyse it for you?


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Thanks for reply - I have made a 4 slide show which I will try to attach which shows the white line around the images which will go off screen on slide 3 when zoomed in. It has to be something with my ver 7.5 setup as when I create exactly the same "show" on my laptop using ver 7 p to exe there is no white line bordering the images ???

trial in 7.5_Nov23-2013_11-33-15.zip

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Hi Mick,

Your problem is caused by your having selected to apply a border to your images (see attached screen grab). The border is part of the image. When you zoom, pan or rotate the image the border moves with the rest of the pixels. The solution is to prepare your border as a PNG file in your photo-editing software and then apply this as an object sitting on top of your image. You only need to use the PNG border on those images that are going to be animated.




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Been Blundering through and I have found out why this is happening.......... Following davegees' suggestion about Adjust image and Border I eventually found it AND enable border was ticked - didn't even know about that setting ............... Still "SUSSED" many thanks again......

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