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Can't figure out one basic thing, sorry...

In O&A you can usually see the Frame (the "green edge" of the Frame), grab it, and then change the position of the Frame with the arrow keys on your keyboard.

But if the Frame size is big (due to e.g. panning), then you can't grab it (activate it) for moving with the arrow keys.

In my case the frame is that big, that the "green edge" of the frame can't be seen even if I zoom out the O&A window to 0.5% (which I found to be the limit of zooming out the window).

So, how can I activate a Frame for a particular Key Frame in O&A, to be able to change the position of the Frame with the arrow keys?




Dave, I did try this also, but:

- if you click on the Objects panel to the right, and then try with the arrow keys, then the activation just toggle from one to another Object in the panel


- if you click on a Key Frame down on the window, then the key arrows just toggle to a previous or following Key Frame

So still wondering how to activate the Frame...



Select the Frame object as Dave described and then change the numbers in the various fields of the Animation tab. You can select a field content and completely over key it or you can simply "nudge" the value up or down using the Up/Down arrowheads beside each field.


Thank you Dave and Peter.

Sort of dummy me, because I have used the PAN tool billions on times...!

A temporary blackout, because I was stuck with the thoughts I had heard of a way to activate the frame without clicking the frame itself.

This do the thing.

By the way, it would be nice if there were a way to pan the frame (or other objects) without activating the main key frame (at least in the single key frame situation, and I understand that if there were two key frames on both sides on the timeline, then an interpolation would be needed to effect the position of the object).

Now I have to make a temporary key frame on the O&A timeline, to see the effect of the panning of the object (at a certain moment on the timeline).

And after that make the temporary key frame the main key frame at the beginning of the timeline.





Has something got lost in translation? Why can you not key the values that you need straight into the the main keyframe (at offset 0) of this object? It is a keyframe just like any other. If it is not being automatically selected, you can use the Left/Right arrow buttons at the right hand end of the O&A timeline, just above the Play button to jump from one keyframe to the next.


Thank you Peter.

Now I got it!

I hadn't try that (the only one I didn't try :)/>/>

So, in the O&A windows timeline,

- when I FIRST click on the first Key Frame,

- THEN click in the window on the Frames green edge (which I can see),

- THEN move to another Key Frame with the right-arrow (which is right of the timeline as you told)

- this will keep the Frame activated (even if I can't see the edge of it because the Frame is bigger than the window),

and now I can move the Frame with the keyboard arrows right-left-up-down

Thank you

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