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Make a web site for your shows


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Hi All,

As I noticed through time, many members don't have a web site. The main reason is not knowing how to write web pages (HTML,HTM). I also noticed that since 98% of internet users are usin "Internet Explorer" browser, few are those who ever tried to use another browser. This is why many don't know that "Netscape" has a "Web page creator" called "Composer", which is so easy to use that even a baby can make a web site.

All you have to do is download Netscape 7.1 fron Netscape web site and install it. Then go to "Start", "Programs", "Netscape" and choose "Composer". In the window open make easily your web page. You don't have to know any programing at all.

Than you can take your own domain which is about $ 7 USA a year and host your site for abour $ 5 a month. If you want to save the money, there are many places where you can publish your web site free.

To upload your pages to your server you'll neet a FTP program or use the tool that some free places are providing. Then upload your shows and pages and anyone can download them and enjoy.


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Good idea, but is it also very simple to use it alongside Internet explorer ? (the explorer as the default browser I mean)

It seems that Netscape is not 100% compatible (in reading pages) with the Explorer, and vice versa ?

greetings :)

Michel Verhoef

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Every time you open it asks you if you want to make it your default brwoser so just say "No". No problem that I know of, I'm using both for many years. If first time you use it it will automatically make Netscape your default, just go and open HTML file with IE and you will be asked if you want IE to be your default.


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Michel, it is no problem about the compatibility with IExplorer. There are still few differences, but they are not meaningful. I often use also the excellent "Opera" browser, and here too I didn't find any important problem.

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This whole question of having a web page is very interesting. I am making audio visual tutorial CD's now (as a business) and I have been trying to get a web site up and running for some time. It is a nightmare! I have now decided to pay someone to design and publish my web site to save all the hassle. It leaves me cold, all this HTML stuff.

Any advice on what I should be doing would be much appreciated.

Ron West

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Ron, have you tried Netscape Composer? (see Boxig's post). MS Frontpage too is a WYSIWYG editor, but I don't like it at all. There is a lot of freeware programs very easy to use: try a search with Google or Altavista.

I just searched for "html free editor wysiwyg", and found hundreds of sites. For a faster search, try http://dir.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Interne...b/html_editors/

and write "wysiwyg" in the search box (selecting "Just this category").

Good luck!

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Guest Techman1

Granot (Boxig),

Always helpful with utilities and advice! It is great having you on this forum. Also, welcome back! I've been busy lately and haven't had a chance to try out any of your latest creations.

On the web creation, another option for those of you that use Photoshop (one of the later versions). It has Image Ready as a part of it. This program allows you to create your Web Page using Photoshop and then it creates the HTML code for you. I suspect that Netscape Composer would be easier to use/learn (since a baby can do it :D ), but if you are comfortable using Photoshop, this may be a good option for you.

Anyway, thanks to Boxig and to all that support this wonderful forum.

Have a great day all!


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