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Earlier today I encountered a minor annoyance when the Envelope tool in the Timeline View switched itself off. I tried to recreate the problem but couldn't so assumed I'd hit a wrong key. I have had another instance of this problem and, at present, I can recreate it. My start point is that last time I used PTE v8 Deluxe Edition, the Envelope was hidden. The steps that I now take to re-create the problem are as follows:

- Open a project into PTE by double-clicking the .pte file in Windows Explorer (it opens in the Timeline view because that was the view I was using when I last closed PTE down)

- Select Show Envelope using the button

- Select one of the audio clips in the sequence by clicking in the area above the waveform

- Settings > Preferences > Timeline > Color of audio clip > Shading

- Open the Choose color window by clicking on the "A" button (it shows my previous choice which was on Style3 tab)

- I now change my mind about making any changes

- Cancel out of Choose color

- Cancel out of Settings - and the Envelope is no longer displayed!

The problem is not confined to just this one sequence. I can re-create it on other sequences.


Guest Yachtsman1

I don't know if this is related, but I mentioned in one of the beta posts about not being able to change the waveform to the colour I wanted (blue). Eventually I discovered that if you try to have the waveform & timeline similar colours, you can't get the colour you want. Changing one or the other to a complete contrast enables changes. I now have a blue waveform & a green timeline. I suppose it's some form of built in safety preventing the timeline being hidden or difficult to see :unsure:/>/>


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