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Keep What?


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A long, long time ago (pre-KFSD) someone added a video clip to a project and found that it ended abruptly at the beginning of the following slide's transition.

This was not what he had originally envisaged so he adjusted the duration of the slide containing the video clip so that it continued on through the following slide's transition and faded out whilst still "running".

All was well.

A little later on he decided that the video clip was not in the correct place and decided to move it to a different place in the project.

Now, the transition time of the slide following the video clip in its new position was different to the original following slide so that the end result was that the video clip once again was not running for the full length of its following slide's transition time.

He percieved this to be a "bug" and asked Igor for two things:

1. That when a video clip was added to a Project, its full duration would span its own transition time and the transition time of its following slide.

2. That when a slide containing a video clip spanning two transitions was moved to a new position its full duration could be KEPT without having to make any adjustments.

Igor's answer was the feature known as KEEP FULL SLIDE DURATION. It does what it says on the tin.smile.gif/> Those who wanted their video clips to end at the beginning of the next slides transition could use the original slide duration concept and those who wanted the "overlapping transitions" could use the KFSD concept.

It means that you could move a slide from position A to position B and maintain all of its properties, Video, Key Frames etc without having to adjust for differences in Transition Times. Its Full Slide Duration would be KEPT.


P.S. I was not that someone.

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Thanks for that reminder as to how it all got started.

They could also do it manually with KFSD turned OFF. I do!

You're welcome!!

That's what I said. I completely and 100% utterly agree but the CHOICE is there and I wouldn't like to see it taken away just because somebody doesn't use it?

The discussion at this time is not about KFSD.

It is about FSD as applied to Styles.

Two different things.


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