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First post here. apologies if this is a common topic already covered somewhere.

wondering if there is a way to create a template or copy/paste key frame fade in-fade out points for text (using objects & animation) so that the same timing points can be used

across the entire slide presentation? I have the key frames in one slide set nicely; how to take same and extend it to all other slides?

any 411 greatly appreciated,




Yes. Create the fade in/out settings you want for one slide and then if you own PTE 8 Deluxe version just create a slide style.

I have created something like this but it has a bar. It sounds like you just want the text. Slide style is a simple method to create sophisticated slideshows very fast.




Hi Derek

You can also simply copy and paste the text to alternate slides, then change the content of the text which will not affect the keypoint timing. If you are going to be doing many it probably would be worth making a slide style, but for just a dozen or so you may just want to copy/paste the text then alter the text itself where needed.

Best regards,



thanks tom & lin for such wonderfully quick responses. I figured it was something pretty easy (cut/paste or slide style) so many many thanks. it's pretty intuitive stuff here, and

as I go along, i'll peruse many of the tutorials (thanks, lin) but it's nice to be putting a pretty decent presentation together just huntin' n' peckin' so far!! dvb

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