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Project Options not accurate?


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If you set any of the following resolutions in the SCREEN TAB of Project Options (accidentally or otherwise) the MAIN TAB will still show a 16:9 Aspect Ratio.









At 1920 wide the ONLY resolution which should show a 16:9 AR is 1920x1080.

All other resolution settings should show CUSTOM.


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In my opinion, it is more or less a matter of taste if we require a precise AR value, or not. Is 1906x1072 to be regarded as 16:9, or not? I, myself, do not care for this problem.

What I do not like here is the position (or may I say the misposition) of the AR field in the Main tab. It belongs to the Screen tab. A funny observation: If I choose a fixed size of 960x540 in the Screen tab, and if I then go to the Main tab (where I see 16:9), and if I then click 16:9 in the Main tab, the values in the Screen tab change to 1920x1080, and I do not see this. This effect should not be a real problem for an experienced user. But it shows again that the PT user interface has its deficiencies.



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I configured this code to allow some tolerance to entered values. Just in case.


Aspect ratio is located on the Main tab to help new users understand how to start the work with PicturesToExe. Screen tab suggests more advanced parameters.

If your project uses fullscreen mode, width and height are virtual values just to help calculate pixel values for complex slides with many objects.

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Aspect ratio is located on the Main tab to help new users understand how to start the work with PicturesToExe. Screen tab suggests more advanced parameters.

If your project uses fullscreen mode, width and height are virtual values just to help calculate pixel values for complex slides with many objects.

I know about (and in my situation I should know about) the virtual size and its interplay with the size-position-tool, and I remember the discussions with JPD on the original mode and related subjects. But that's not the point here. We have two tabs that are related to the aspect ratio. In the Screen tab, you can enter values for the size (virtual or fixed, full-screen), say 1600x1000 which is 16:10. If you then click on 16:10 in the Main tab, the size values change from 1600x1000 to 1280x800, without a warning :(

I do not have any problem here. It's just an observation.



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