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I just discovered that I had 72 MOD videos and that PicturesToExe does not show them for import into a show. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to solve? Is there a way to get PicturesToExe to see and open them? Or do I need to convert? If the last, any recommendations on how to convert? I thought MOD files was a fairly popular file type.

Thanks for any suggestions



Hi Bob,

Try renaming one of them with the dot mpg extension and see if PTE will recognize. I'm not "certain" but I "think" the MOD extension and the MPG extension are equivalent and you can add an MPG extension video to PTE...

Best regards,



Lin, that worked! Now to rename all those files :))


Hi Bob,

Try renaming one of them with the dot mpg extension and see if PTE will recognize. I'm not "certain" but I "think" the MOD extension and the MPG extension are equivalent and you can add an MPG extension video to PTE...

Best regards,



Hi Bob,

Call up your Command Prompt (dot prompt) and navigate to the folder where your files are. Use this command: rename *.mod *. mpg then press Enter.....

That should do it quickly

Best regards,


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