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Hi Gang,

Have already had some communication w Bill.. but I've not yet been able to upload my 15Mb presentation to the Beechbrook site. Any pointers?

After clicking the 'upload' button, not much happens to tell me that I'm rocking and rolling (my Firewall shows me that communication is happening) then aftera long pause (understandibly w a 15M upload [150k broadband]) I get told that my file is 'not of the correct type'.

Naturally, I dispute this because it is a .zip file (with the requested 120x80 .jpg included in the zip).

I'm a little frustrated and exhausted (at point of 'give up') so any wisdom out there to help? Anybody had the same types of problems? - need comfort - feeling persecuted ;)

Much appreciated.

J :( G


I gave up a long time ago. I can only think that my ISP blocks anything out over a certain size. I did manage to upload a couple of small tutorials a few weeks ago but I haven't tried since.

Ron [uK]


Thanks for the input Ron,

Hmmm interesting, although I have uploaded the same files to another site [but actually an ftp:// address] without any problems. But then of course I get a little window that tells me the progress and even the time to completion, so that I feel informed.

I don't get this helpful screen from Beechbrook, though so I'm inclined to think that it's something at their end. Especially since the message 'not the right type' appears on a Bbrook style wb page.

Wonder why us UK bods are having such problems then (?)

Bill says he gets all other info but not the actual whopping file (with all the presentation goodies in it).

Ahh well. Maybe one day we'll see each others work, eh Ron?

J :ph34r: G


J ;) G

A couple of thoughts -

Have you tried uploading using a different Browser. I know in earlier days, using my normal browser, Netscape, I had trouble uploading to Beechbrook.

The other idea - You say you have uploaded the same files via fttp to another site? Is it possible for you to simply send the link to Bill for posting. That is the way I have done with my current show on Beechbrook. The link on Beechbrook is to my own site storage area from which the show is actually downloaded. If this is possible for you, it also allows Bill to have more capacity for the shows from people who don't have the linking opportunity. Finally, Bill is so dedicated, he will likely find a way to make it work with you.

I don't get this helpful screen from Beechbrook,


welcome to the forum

using IE 6 and previous editions of the browser, i have -view/status bar enabled

and when uploading to the "cottage", progress of the upload shows there -- tho' it doesn't show that much movement - and it takes quite a bit to upload --



maybe if you wrote to

Michel, Avignon, France -


Michel has a French version of the Wnsoft forum


and he hosts several beautiful PTE shows to download


you may be able to ask him if you can upload there



jinjagoliath , You are welcome to either send a link (if you have your own site) or email me your presentation and I'll get it online as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Bill :D



You have been very gracious in trying to accomodate my frustrations - thank you!

Hope it's worth it when you view my efforts :blink:

Will enjoy trying to resolve the issues from here too.

Bill - thanks again. I think your site is terrific and I often visit for inspiration and information!

Keep keeping the faith!

J :D G


Hi there goliath

For 2 years I have not been able to upload a show to Beechbrook and I have definetly put it down to AOL, for I have tried to upload on 4 machines. Bill from Beechbrook kindly accepted it as an email which I see he has suggested you do (good Guy Bill :D ) One further point I would make, that I came up against in my first upload was That AOL has a file attachment limit of 15MB, so I could not send it as an email either, I believe other ISP's have limits too. Eventually people on this forum suggested a file splitting program so after a couple of frustarting weeks it all worked. :)

So keep trying and I look forward to seeing your work.


Mersea Island UK



What file splitting program was it you used?

As there is no way that a 15Mb file would reach Bill.

I tried that first before I knew about the upload page.

Many thanks,

J :) G





The File Splitter version 1.21

The File Splitter allows you to split any file into pieces

of any size and later reconstruct the pieces to form the

original file.

New Requirements:

Windows 95, 98, or NT4 is required to run The File Splitter.

Windows 95, 98, or NT4 is required to reconstruct a file that has a long

filename; otherwise, DOS 6.0 or higher or Windows 95, 98, or NT4 is required.


File Splitter

Split files into pieces so that you can move them between systems on floppy disks. This program creates a batch file that is easily reassembled on another PC. You do not need to have this utility installed on both machines to transfer files. Be warned that File Splitter is no frills; in addition, it's for older machines running Windows 9x. The utility is reliable, however--and it's free. What more can you ask for?

it works on my xp home

and it is free




Thanks, good advice. And free too! No less valuable for that though ;)

J :rolleyes: G

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