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Problem Muting Unused Audio Tracks (SOLVED)

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Guest Yachtsman1

I have started a new show, I have selected a VO stripped from a Youtube download as an MP3, added 3 MP3 music tracks & assembled them in Audacity. To get exact synchronisation, I removed all the slide timed points, intending to add them on the fly. I soloed the voice over in Audacity which effectively mutes the music tracks, then exported the result as an MP3 & added it to PTE via project options. When I open the time line view, the waveform for the muted music tracks shows and plays, which IMO it shouldn't. Any ides??? :blink:/>/>/> :blink:/>/>/> :blink:/>/>/>






In Audacity, select the pieces of sound jou want and use "export selected files " to mp3.

Then you are shore you have only the tracks you want.

I mix the sound now in PTE8.

see picture

Luc M


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Luc M

Thanks for the suggestion, but know I can export the vo as a single track, my post however was to illustrate a possible bug in that PTE hasn't recognised an Audacity function where I had muted the tracks I didn't want to hear.


Guest Yachtsman1

Just tried to do this again by instead of soloing the track I want to hear in Audacity, I muted the tracks I didn't want to hear in Audacity, this time PTE recognised the action I had taken in Audacity. :o/>/> :blink:/>/>





Hi Eric,

I seem to remember Peter having a long discussion about the subtle difference between solo and mute, one getting exported and the other not and the reasoning behind it - I think. However, audacity either exports it or it doesn't and if it does PTE will pick it up and if it doesn't it wont.

Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Eric,

I seem to remember Peter having a long discussion about the subtle difference between solo and mute, one getting exported and the other not and the reasoning behind it - I think. However, audacity either exports it or it doesn't and if it does PTE will pick it up and if it doesn't it wont.

Hi Mick

Must have missed that one? I'm trying to use PTE's audio function more, but after 7 years of Audacity, it's a long road.

Regards Eric




You have not muted any tracks in Audacity. In your Audacity screengrab, all the "Mute" buttons are "Up" and therefore all those tracks are being sent to the "Mixdown" channel. The only button that is "down" is the "Solo" button on track 1. What you have done there is to select just that one track to be presented to the "monitor" channel - the channel that you hear when you playback on your computer.



Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Peter

As I said in my reply to Mick, I am trying to get to grips with audio in PTE, but after 7 years of Audacity I am learning what & what can't be done between the two programmes. As you know many of my shows use multiple audio tracks & in Audacity, the solo button is a convenient way of silencing all the tracks you don't want to hear at the press of one button. As I explained in my first post, (I think) I was assembling sounds for a new show, one VO & 3 music tracks. The show dictates the VO has to coincide with the appearence of the relevent slide, so as a quick fix I soled the VO, which to the appearence in Audacity, silenced the music tracks. From what I have now discovered it doesn't. Maybe if I had tried the first 2 combined track MP3s before importing them into PTE I might have discovered the anomaly earlier. Like I always say, you're never too old to learn. ;)/>

Regards Eric


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