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Menu Problems Again.

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Guest Yachtsman1

I know this was brought up a short time ago, but at the time I hadn't had any problems. We are having one of our "Night at the Theatre" shows next Tuesday, as usual I tested the equipment this morning & all was well. We are also having a spring AV show in March, so while I had the equipment set up I thought I would transfer the completed show folder. So I copied the folder to a memory stick (just under 1gb) when complete inserted it into the LT. I then copied the show menu exe icon to my desktop & tried to start the menu, error messages all round. Then I realised I didn't have the 8.01 programme on the LT, so I downloaded it from the internet, added the stored key & all seemed well. I removed the menu folder to the recycle bin & added a fresh copy from the stick. I then opened the menu icon exe & it ran through the opening pics & music to the actual multi exe link page. I tried a link, nothing tried another another, nothing. Obviously the exe file association had been lost, the question is, why :unsure:/>/>

To get things back to how it should work, I opened the menu working folder & re-associated all the exe's, all was well. created a new menu exe, short cutted it to my desktop, tried that & now everything works as it should. The only difference between my LT & DT is the age of the W7 Professional OS & the other hardware components. Any ideas? :blink:/>/>



Your menu exe and target exes must all be in the same place. When it first failed, you had placed the menu exe on the desktop but left all the target exes on the memory stick. Whether PTE exists on the machine or not is irrelevant for playback. Either run everything from the USB stick or copy the folder in its entirety to the desktop and run the menu out of that folder. Don't mess around with shortcuts. You don't need them.


Guest Yachtsman1


You know I've been doing this a long time, the method I described is the one I've been using for at least 4 years. In those 4 years it has worked perfectly apart from the usual PTE anomalies with flash back. Since I re-authorised all the exe's on the LT the spring show works perfectly. IMO placing a large file (almost 1GB) directly onto the desktop is not good practice & could cause problems running the exe's, I'm not sure why it isn't good practice, something about where the DT memory is sourced from on the computer (C drive) see http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2007/06/20/should-i-save-files-on-the-desktop/ also


Now I've thought back, I did the same thing with my Christmas show & again the same thing happened then, which I mentioned in the previous thread where a similar thing had happened to someone else. But it didn't twig at the time as the PC was relatively new. The main difference to my method from at least 10 successful historical transfers is the PC OS version, storage drive, (C on laptop E on desktop PC's), & PTE 8.0.1 twice now it has failed to transfer correctly.

What is your source of information regarding desktop storage?





I have suggested this before and I think you got upset at me for doing so, but it's obvious that using a menu is important to you and it's also obvious that it gives you a lot of headaches too. So. Why not think about a dedicated CD authoring program that is designed for the job. I have made hundreds of menus and I never have any of the issues you describe. The slide shows will run from a disk, CD or DVD or you can just run them from the desktop.

Yes, there will be a cost in buying the software, but seeing as this is so important to you and you have been doing this for some time, why not give it some thought. I use Autorun Enterprise 2, but there are bound to be other less expensive packages available. It only needs to be basic to run slide shows.


What is your source of information regarding desktop storage?

I've never, ever, given it a thought!

I've always worked the way that I do, since mid-summer 2005. During that time I have used two different desktop systems and three different laptops. Quite often the desktop and laptop OS have been different (XP vs Vista, Vista vs Win 7). The data has been stored on internal drives, external drives, USB memory sticks, and on the desktop environment of the laptop computer. I have used all versions of PTE since v4.48. I've never had any problem with any of my menus and I build 10-15 each winter season.

My technique, in summary: in the menu EXE, refer to the target EXEs by just their file name - no path (i.e. target1.exe, target2.exe); put all the EXEs in one folder; put that folder somewhere on the laptop; run the menu EXE from the folder. No shortcuts. No problems.



Guest Yachtsman1

Your menu exe and target exes must all be in the same place.

Reply They were, they were in the project folder on the C drive on the LT.

When it first failed, you had placed the menu exe on the desktop but left all the target exes on the memory stick.

Reply, not true, the target exes were in the project folder on the C drive.

Don't mess around with shortcuts. You don't need them.

Reply I'm trying to get away from messy desk tops, my current LT & DT have only 5 or six icons



Guest Yachtsman1


I have suggested this before and I think you got upset at me for doing so, but it's obvious that using a menu is important to you and it's also obvious that it gives you a lot of headaches too.

I use Autorun Enterprise 2, but there are bound to be other less expensive packages available. It only needs to be basic to run slide shows.


I don't remember discussing this with you, I do remember Xaver mentioning something similar, & when I checked the price I didn't think it was cost effective.

When you say it only has to be basic to run a slideshow, I don't consider my menus basic, they contain video clips, 3D transitions & some of the more advanced PTE effects.

As you are not using PTE to create your menus, I assume you have come across similar problems?

I checked the price of the system you use & currently it is over £120, over 3 times the current PTE up-grade, so in my eyes expensive. I know you are going to drag out the fact I bought Camtasia & I don't use it that often, however as soon as I feel conversant enough with PTE 8.0.1 I will dig it out & update my previous tutorials.

To finish I will have another look at AE2 & see if is good enough for my menus.

BTW how are you getting on with producing the English version of the PTE 8.0.1 manual? ;)/>/>




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