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I have just come back to PTE from a 3 to 4 year absence while struggling with slide show software on an iMac. I have updated to Version 8.

I wanted to do a show about the South West Coast Path walk and thought I would start with a map and a moving route.

I am familiar with Lin's earlier tutorial on this topic but thought I would use a slightly different approach and hope this would provide a learning experience. It has! I have forgotten a lot.

I have incidentally found several of the older tutorials very useful in helping get going again. Thanks for those.

I have a Map (jpg) and a Walked Route (png) and a White Blank for a Mask they are all identical sizes 1715 x 915 pixels. I set up the following in Objects and Animation


Mask Container

Walked Route

Mask (White Blank)

The Mask Container seems to need to be Zoomed to 140 to make the Route the correct size for the Map. Can anyone explain why this is so please bearing in mind the images are all identical sized??

I wanted to reduce the size of the Mask to make it a long thin rectangle so I could then move it to reveal the route. I found this very difficult to do by moving the handles on the mask as it kept reverting to the

Walked Route. I had to use the Zoom boxes instead. I also found it impossible to use the handles without both horizontal and vertical sizes changing simultaneously. I think this was the case in earlier versions but is it still the same?

Any comments would be most welcome.

Just noticed I am shown as an Advanced Member - I don't feel Advanced!



The Mask Container seems to need to be Zoomed to 140 to make the Route the correct size for the Map. Can anyone explain why this is so please bearing in mind the images are all identical sized??


What's the Project Size??

The 140% is relative to the Full Screen / Project Size (perhaps?).



I think you have the answer Dave thanks. Shows how much I need to relearn. I never thought about setting a project size in my enthusiasm to get stuck in.

The screen size is 1024 x768. If I look at my image at 1715 it is 140%.

Is it possible to use key frames to stop one mask and then start another one on the same image? This would enable my mask(s) to turn difficult corners.

Routes round areas such as Lands End have awkward loops which are almost impossible to deal with just by expanding one mask.


You can set Key Frames at 1ms resolution. If you have for instance a KF at 2000ms with an Opacity of 100 and another KF at 2001ms with the opacity at zero the mask will turn OFF at 2001ms.

Set the opposite for the next mask and it will turn ON at 2001ms.


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