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Customised Font.

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Guest Yachtsman1

In project options defaults, I have re-set the default font, size & position, However, when I go to the O&A screen & click add text T the font reverts to the default, is it me? :unsure:/>/>/> Screen shots show my settings in project options & what happens when I click the "T" in the O&A screen.





Did you click on "Apply to all slides"? in either the "Customize font" window or in the "Project Options > Defaults" tab? I don't know whether either of those is relevant or not; but I have my default font set to Nyala and it always comes up on every text object.



Guest Yachtsman1

Did you click on "Apply to all slides"? in either the "Customize font" window or in the "Project Options > Defaults" tab? I don't know whether either of those is relevant or not; but I have my default font set to Nyala and it always comes up on every text object.



Hi Peter

I was going to add to the post "yes I have clicked the apply to all slides" and yes I have but in O&A clicking the T still brings up Arial. Could it be something to do with a default profile?

Regards Eric




I cannot get the default text to work either. I note that when setting the type in the second window and pressing "apply to all slides" then nothing appears in the box below "customise" in the first window - should it?

Guest Yachtsman1

"Watson, can you deduce what this chap is saying?", "sorry Holmes he's got me baffled again". :blink:/> :blink:/> :blink:/>



Okay, got that but what you are saying is that the default in Project Options does not work but the work around is to use "Save and use by default" in a particular show (very useful) to be the default for every other show. Something for Igor to sort out but quite a low priority.


The one in Project Options only applies to the Text Comments (??) - Picture Name etc - and not to the Text which is added in O&A.

I used "Save and use by default" and then opened the oldest PTE I have.

Sure enough, the Default that I just saved was in use when I clicked on the Text Tool.


Guest Yachtsman1

IMO it isn't logical to have 2 different defaults for text, they should both operate as in the O&A screen, unless someone comes up with a reason why setting a text default in the main screen isn't carried over to the O&A screen :unsure:/> :unsure:/> :unsure:/>


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