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"PTE Tool" - Utility for "PicturesToExe" - Bete version

The "Readme" file (included in the download):

With "PTE Tool" you can:

Easily create a basic pte project to be modified later.

Search for lost images of a pte project (JPG,JPEG,GIF,BMP).

Run slideshow of all images from any folder (JPG,BMP).

Display a sample of all fonts available in your Fonts folder.

View Flash movie (swf) and get total frames number.

View all videos in a folder one after the other (AVI,MPEG,MPG,WMV,ASF).

Save list of your images (of any PTE project file) with theire full paths.

Find and open any EXE file (Compiled Presentations).

Find and open any PTE project.

General search engine (magnifying glass icon).

How to use

Double-Click on file to open file, one click to copy path to clipboard.


Names: Arrange files in dropped order. Display full path / only name.

Rewrite: Rewrite list of files sorted by name.

Save as: Browse and Save current list as new text file.

Clear: Clear all files from the list. Empty the list.

Create PTE project file: Create "PicturesToExe" project file calle "File.pte", and run it.

Pte,Exe: Browse for folder to Search for PTE and EXE files.

Flash: View Flash movie (swf) and get file total frames number.

Video: Select a folder and run all video files in a chain.

Fonts: View all fonts available in your Fonts folder.

Slideshow: Browse for folder and see slideshow of all images inside.

Slide: Run slideshow of all images from images list.

Check pte: Check for lost images files in pte project.

Search: Search for the missing file after check pte.

Copy: Select from list found missing files to copy to another folder.

Search Engine: General search engine (magnifying glass icon).

Delete: Delete an image from the list and from the pte project.

Exit: Close the program.

You can Drag and Drop images files from Explorer to the white window.

Files dropped will be auto arranged sorted by names.

A list of names will be displayed on left side.

A small thumbnail of image dropped will be displayed

on right side and the original image dimensions will be displayed.

Click on "Create PTE project file" button and the program

will create a file called "File.pte" in a sub-folder called PTE.

All your images will be copied to this folder and all you have to do is

configure other paraneters like effects, sounds etc.

Notice that although all images are copied to "PTE" sub-folder the pte project

created uses the original paths of images.

More info and features:

On selecting a file from the list a small thumbnail of image

selected will be displayed on right side with the original image

dimensions. Full path of image is sent to your clipboard.

Double-Click on file name to open file in default program.

The files on the list displayed are sorted automatic by name so

it easy for you to find an image. But the list from which your pte

project will be created keeps the order of dropped files.

You can see this list in the program folder as "File.txt".

The list will include the full path of each file. The files you

drop are added to list, so order of files on list is the order files

were dropped. If you want to display your files in the order they were

dropped, click on "Names" button.

If you want to re-sort your files by name, Click on "Rewrite". This will

also create a text file in the program folder called "File2.txt" which

will have a list of all files and paths sorted by names.

The "Delete" button will erase the selected file from list and project.

The "Clear" button will clear the window from all files.

"Save as" button will open a dialog box for you to save the current

list of files with their full paths under any name you want in any folder.

This program is dedicated to my beloved dogs Tony and Boxi.

Click on Thumbnail to see 8 pictures of my Dog Tony.

Please your feedback, bug reports, suggestions etc.


Guest Techman1


This will be great. Now I don't have to go and decide which of your utilities would work best for whatever I'm working on currently. They will all be in one place under one program.

I'll give it a try and will let you know. I probably won't be able to fully test until this weekend, but I will as soon as possible.

Have a great one and continued thanks for everything you do!



Added new feature:

"Mouse Ruler" (click on small red dot).

This will open small window. It will detect your mouse wherever you point it. If for example you want to know a distance between two points on screen, put your mouse on the first point and click Enter. Then on second point and Enter. You will see the location of two points and the distance will be sent to clipboard.

Find size of object/image on screen.

Find space between two objects.


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