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I helped a guy sort a problem with his slide show in PTE8 yesterday and was surprised with what the ultimate cause was and what I experienced may help others perhaps. The show was quite lengthy at 15 minutes long and it had a music track added at that length.

Symptoms : Slide show played perfectly within PTE via the mini player, but the executable file played with no music.


1. Imported the sound file to Audacity and exported it back out and into PTE - No change to the fault

2. Imported the sound file to Audacity and exported it back out and into PTE and made some changes to the quality settings - No change to the fault

3. Tried a new piece of music of roughly the same length as the original - No change to the fault.

4. Tried another much shorter track in the slide show - The Show played OK and the music could be heard.

5. I doubled up the track of music that worked to make it extend to around 15 minutes - The Slide show played OK, but not sound again.

6. I opened the folder of images in Photoshop and used the image processor to make a copy, save each one again as a jpg, with a compression of 8. The Slide Show then played perfectly, even using the original track created by the author.

It appears that some unknown fault with a Jpeg image, prevented the music from playing. It then appeared obvious that the problem image must have been quite a way into the slide show because a shorter track that didn't quite reach the offending image played OK. As soon as a second music track was added to reach the end of the show. NO music would play.

I think most people faced with a music fault like this would spend their time looking at the music as my friend did until he ran out of ideas. So a dodgy Jpeg image can cause music not to play outside of PTE. (as far as I am aware from the original author, the offending image, visually played ok in the slide show)



Thanks for this information!

What file size of this EXE?

There is a confirmed issue when audio doesn't play in EXE files larger than 600 MB. We're still working on this problem.



Sorry, but I not sure of what size the exe was. I as looking at it on another persons computer and even they were not the author. I was just asked to try and help find the issue, but It had a lot of images in it. However, I would be surprised if it was as big as 600MB

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