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My first question


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I loaded 105 jpeg's. The show is set to every 3 seconds except for the first 4 which are customized. I got all that down.

I am trying to add music and of course have to edit the MP3 to lenghten the track to the the length of the show.

Does the total length of the slide show appear any place in the program so I know how long to make the music track or do I have to do the math?

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Hi, Gilligan,

Welcome to the Forum and to PTE! I enjoyed your underwater images - that must be an exciting world down there. Hope you post some slideshows featuring underwater sights. :)

If you are not synching a show, the total time does not appear anywhere. And, the timeline is not useable unless you have some background music already installed. (Guido, just for you, that "music" can also be a length of recorded "silence" :) )

You can see the total length of customized and default times for a show in my Adjustor model (available on Beechbrook), or you can go through and add them up by hand. Alternatively, as in Adjustor, you can load the PTE file as a text file into a spreadsheet program, and set up the spreadsheet do the math.

In a non-synched show, you should be aware that even though you have chosen certain duration times, different pc's will experience different times for showing the slides. The only way to maintain the slide show time precisely is through synching to the timeline.

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