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export slides from PTE


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Hi Claudio,

There is no way other than a screen capture to output image data from a PTE project. Your output options are all covered in the "Publish" link. Other than this or screen captures, there are no other alternatives.

Best regards,


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Hi Claudio,

There is no way other than a screen capture to output image data from a PTE project. Your output options are all covered in the "Publish" link. Other than this or screen captures, there are no other alternatives.

Best regards,



What I suggested to Claudio was to use this free program called ScreenCapturePrint:


I like it because you can very easily define the exact parameters of the screen area you want to print. I think if you use the Windows printscreen, you would get more than just the MiniPlayer or the O&A screen area that Claudio wants.

Great program.


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If you do the Prt Sc when in full screen preview you get a full screen res jpeg using your image editor.



Yes, you can do that. But with PrtSc, you have to take additional steps to have another program opened (like Paint, etc.) and paste it into it and save it. Claudio is not concerned with getting a full screen res, I think. With the ScreenCapturePrint, you just set the area you want with your mouse to capture and you can immediately print it or save it or send it to the clipboard. If you have a lot of images or areas on the screen you want to capture, this is really a good tool to have handy. It is great, also, in capturing areas of the screen when you have a question about something on the screen, like in PTE's menus. :)


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