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Starting Slide Show on a Second Monitor


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I found it in Evernote!

To use the -display 2 command within a short-cut file.

  1. Just create a short-cut file(s) of your slideshow(s).
  2. Right-click the short-cut file and select Properties | Shortcut tab.
  3. Enter/Edit the -display 2 command at the end of the Target filestring.
  4. Play the shortcut file to see the slideshow on display 2

If you made a menu to play the slideshows ... you can use the -display 2 command inside with your button commands.
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I am able to only run one slide show, exe or scr at a time with two monitors. If one screen is activated that screen will run but the other screen is suspended. I guess the computer or Graphics card makes that decision?

Is there a way using one computer two run 2 different simultaneous instances of exe and/or scr?

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Hi Judy,

Make sure you have the pause slideshow option when window inactive disabled on the first slideshow that starts (or both of them). I have not tested.



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