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I am having problems with a shimmering on fades since I loaded 4.20. This is particularly noticable on a short fade of say 2 seconds

I am on Windows 98 and have used PTE sucessfully almost since day 1. I was thinking of trying to reload an earlier version . Is this possible ? Screen size and images are set to 1024 x 768 . If I change screen size to 800 x 600 it seems slightly better but this seems a backward step and I don't want to do that



Ken's suggestion is a good one, but one other thing. What size (kb-wise) are your images ?

They should be maximum 200kb or smaller. Larger files can create such problems.

What RAM do you have ?


Thank you both Jim and Ken. We have sorted our problem thanks to you. Just for the record we have 256 RAM and the images are less then 200k

I was rather concerned about going into the ini file, but I am as pleased as punch when I did and it worked

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