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Sound Editing

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The new sound editing capabilities in PTE have been available for a while now and I for one have virtually given up on external sound editors. I find it easy and quick to use in PTE and also very flexible when you want to make a minor change and listen/watch the result immediately.

However, there is one task I find myself needing a fair bit and that is to remove a section from within a sound file. Maybe shorten a period of silence by cutting it out completely. Is that something that you would ever consider including in the sound editing capabilities of PTE.

NB. No work around suggestions please

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I think Dave knows exactly what I was saying, but your right and I get tired of making a suggestion and then the whole thread gets hi-jacked by a million work around's. I wonder sometimes how Igor finds the time to sort out the good ideas from the crackpot.

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Another thing we frequently need to do is to split a sound clip to be able to move a portion further along the time line.

Take for example a voiceover.

I will usually record this in one go, but then split it up into sentences/paragraphs to be able to position these acurately along the timeline.

It is usually easy to see these portions as there will be a short 'silence' between each.

If we could just click on the waveform & chose 'cut' to split the waveform in two at that point.

Effectively this is a copy/paste/trim for each portion.

So each part is still the complete waveform with the ends trimmed to the appropriate position.

I know we can do this manually now & it is what I have to do.

But to be able to do it in one click would save so much time.

The ability to still move the ends of each trimmed portion would be essential to allow for accurate positioning.


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I agree with you , that is true in most cases !



If I understand you correctly, I work in the same way that you described but by my experience I often need to assign a comment part to a dedicated slide. I want that comment be moved at the same time with the slide if I need to do that.


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It is quite interesting to read these suggestions, but I see some kind of problem here. The PTE editor works exactly with those media (images and audio clips) that the user enters into the PTE application. PTE typically handles this data in a non-destructive way. The features that are asked for are (to some extent) destructive. So what should PTE do in case of trimming an audio clip?

Here we see a difference between PTE and two other (continental) AV tools which do not run the entered media directly, but which work with automatically generated copies. This allows to resize images and to work out destructive operations on audio clips. If needed, these programs can always go back to the originals and generate new copies. IMO the new suggestions contradict the way that has been used by PTE until today.



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It is quite interesting to read these suggestions, but I see some kind of problem here. The PTE editor works exactly with those media (images and audio clips) that the user enters into the PTE application. PTE typically handles this data in a non-destructive way. The features that are asked for are (to some extent) destructive. So what should PTE do in case of trimming an audio clip?

Here we see a difference between PTE and two other (continental) AV tools which do not run the entered media directly, but which work with automatically generated copies. This allows to resize images and to work out destructive operations on audio clips. If needed, these programs can always go back to the originals and generate new copies. IMO the new suggestions contradict the way that has been used by PTE until today.



JT - The option I specify is non destructive.

It would work in exactly the same way as PTE does now.

You can add the same clip multiple times & trim the ends to give different parts of the clip.

All I am asking for is an easier way to do this with one click

Other Sound editing software does this, but I am aware that PTE is a 'Sound Mixer' NOT a 'Sound Editor'


I agree with you , that is true in most cases !



If I understand you correctly, I work in the same way that you described but by my experience I often need to assign a comment part to a dedicated slide. I want that comment be moved at the same time with the slide if I need to do that.


Daniel - The clips can still be linked to a slide & moved with the slide, I do this often


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The clips can still be linked to a slide & moved with the slide, I do this often

Jill ,

I know that and use too.

I just want to say that, your suggestion is interesting (for me) only if this possibility remains available.

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I just want to be able to add a few seconds of silence into a ready made sound track, rather than having to use an external sound editor. Doesn't sound that difficult. If Igor can achieve that in a cost effective way, then great, if not, no worries.

It's just a suggestion :rolleyes:

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I just want to be able to add a few seconds of silence into a ready made sound track, rather than having to use an external sound editor. Doesn't sound that difficult. If Igor can achieve that in a cost effective way, then great, if not, no worries.

It's just a suggestion :rolleyes:

Barry, That is exactly what I (& I am sure lots of other people) want to do, by being able to 'split' the track & move the split clip along the timeline.


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  • 5 months later...

I certainly support this suggestion.

At present I have to use the same audio clip several times over, trimming each one so that I get just the bit of sound (speech) that I need in the right place. Being able to cut bits out or put in bits of silence would be much quicker, and does not seem to be much more than PTE does at present with the ability to trim the ends non-destructively?


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PTE does not "trim the ends non-destructively".

It starts playing at the point you designate and it stops playing when you tell it to.

It does not save a trimmed version. The original file remains intact.

In order to add silence in the midle of a file it must create a new version of the file.

This might be possible in the near future.


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That helps a lot. I am traveling now, and don't have access to try this. That help really helps. Except for one thing, how do you mute the video? It may be obvious, but i dont have a way to look at the moment.

Removing the audio would reduce file size, otherwise the audio is included twice in the final file. I guess? Does muting actually remove the data from the final file, either EXE or other video format?

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Hi Judy,

Whenever a video is selected in PTE, in the "Properties Tab" of Objects and Animations, a checkbox is present which says "Mute Audio."

When this is done, then when the user adds an audio there is a choice which defaults to "Files of Type" "Audio Files" which would allow the user to select from various audio formats. However, if the user clicks on the small down arrow in the light blue box to the right of the word "Audio Files" they can select "Video Files" then choose the video file which they wish to extract the audio from and have full envelope control.

If an audio file or the sound from an audio file is used multiple times in PTE, this audio is only loaded once so there is no size penalty for doing this.

Best regards,


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As with images, no matter how many times you use a video file it is only counted once in the exe file size.

When you add a video you can mute its sound in o&a and then add it as an audio file. It is still only counted once in the exe file size.

It is not removed. It is muted. If you don't want to add the sound in order to use the PTE editing envelope then the video is just played without sound - you do not gain anything in terms of file size.


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