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Hi, everyone. I am a newcomer, so hope the following has not been asked before.

PTE v4.2.

I create a "show1" exe file OK. Then reload "show1" project file, make a few changes and save as "show2".

Close PTE, reopen PTE and reload "show2"project file. Create exe file, thinking I will get "show2" exe file. But no, I get a "show1" exe file overwriting the old "show1" exe file. This is worrying as I do not get a "show2" exe file (I have to rename the new "show1" exe file) and I also lose my original "show1" exe file unless I have renamed it or moved it to another folder.

Any help or is it a program problem?




welcome to the forum

you save as show1.pte

create as show1.exe

then you open show1.pte

make your changes

save as show2.pte

create as show2.exe

i might have as many as 12 different versions of a show before i get it to my liking




Thanks for your welcome and advise.

I have tried again using your list. I still get overwriting of the original exe file despiting changing (save as) the name of the project. Any further suggestions?


I still get overwriting of the original exe file despiting changing (save as) the name of the project. Any further suggestions?

Save as (project) has of course no influence on the .EXE file (Project is .PTE). To avoid overwriting the original .EXE file you've got to use Create Slideshow as (Slideshow is .EXE) and give your new slideshow a new name.


To Lief

Thank very much for you hint.

I realise now that I was using the Create exe button all the time at the bottom left of the PTE screen. Now that I know to use File/Create Slideshow as .... ( or F8) as is OK.

It is great to have a World wide forum for help with problems.


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