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Must be simple, but I can not find how too.


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There must be a simple solution for this, but I can not find it.

I have two pictures and they each fill half of the screen. They are of different size one is at 100% and outside the screen area on the top the bottom and the right side. The other image is 85% and is outside the screen area at the top the bottom and the left side. One of the images is on the foreground and the other is the behind image. It looks now if they but each other in the middle of the screen, but one is maybe 10% behind the other one. I like to have a small black area between the two images in the middle. I looked at the "at Frame" and "at Rectangle" but could not understand it even using the help screen.

It must be simple to have two images on the same screen divided by a black stripe, but I can not find it.

Can somebody maybe give my "exact" instructions on how to do this.



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Hi Bert,

Sounds like you essentially know how to put the two images on the screen, you just need to understand how to place a black stripe between them?

There are several ways you could go about this. Of course you could create a PNG file consisting of a stripe of black and just insert it into your image and position it between the two main images. I'll make one for you if you like - it's a very easy thing to do. The other way is to use the rectangle and you could copy/paste it into as many sequences of slides as needed. The way you do this is to create a solid rectangle - black in your case. Go to Objects and Animations.and click on the Properties Tab. Make sure nothing is selected in the objects list (click mouse outside of all objects) Right click and choose Add, then Rectangle. Change Fill Mode to "Solid" and choose black for your color. This will place a solid black rectangle which will cover everything on your screen. Next click on the Animations tab. Now click on the word Rectangle in the Objects List to select it. Look at the Zoom block which will say 100% on both the right and left sides. In the middle, between the two values of 100% there is a small square which looks like a window. Click this square and it will change to look like a button. What you have done is to separate the two values so you can change either of the 100% zoom values. Click on the little "down arrow" beside the word "Zoom" on the left as you view the screen. Hold down the left mouse button and observe that the rectangle eventually becomes a line. When you have it the size that you like as a separator for your two images, Move it into the desired position by using the Pan value (the Pan control on the left as you look at the screen). Now you can simply copy this new rectangle by selecting it in the Objects List and right clicking and choose copy and apply it to any subsequent slides, paste it to the Objects list (be certain nothing is selected there - you don't want it to become a child of some other object) and adjust the pan value to place it where you wish.

Best regards,


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Hi Lin,

You understood precisely what I wanted to do, and your explanation was very clear. Ones I read your explanation on how to do it, it took me all but a few minutes to make the black separation.

Thanks for your help.



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