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Transition problems

Severn Bore

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I am experiencing problems with the transitions between a couple of slides in a project I am creating.

I have tried to change the style of transition on two or three of my slides, but the changes do not seem to be recognised. They play as I want when using the music timeline, but when I preview I get one of three things happening:

1. the change of transition style is not recognised

2. the show gets stuck and keeps repeating the same slide change

3. a particular slide repeats once and then the show continues from the next but one slide.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Pto E, but this has not helped.

Oh! I am using PtoE version 4.20


aka Severn Bore

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In my experience, repeating transitions indicate that the pc doesn't have the resources to implement the requested operations. This could be due to a number of things:

- too few pc resources (speed, RAM, etc.)

- existing resources shared with other running programs.

- image files too large (pc can't finish operation on one image before next requested transition)

- transitions over-lapping (for timeline-synched shows only)

- transitions coming too close together (usually this just slows down the slide-show until the pc can catch up with the requests for changes.

- conflicts with the music (not usually the case, as music playback requires very little in the way of pc resources.)

Hope this helps!

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Hi Al

Once again, thanks for your advice.

My PC is not the fastest PIII 450, but has plenty of RAM (512). I also checked there were no other programs taking resources awy from PtoE. The problem only seems to arise when I have made a few adjustments via the music timeline and it does not happen randomly. Once it happens it affects the same slide(s) repeatedy.

I have tried shifting the transition so that it is not too close to others and also changing the transition speed. The slides are relatively low resolution.

Unfortunately none of this has eliminated the problem, although some of the problems have been mitigated.

Wiil persist and try and note more precisely the circumstances in which this occurs.

It cannot be too much of a problem generally as there have been no other responses to my query. It must therefore be me or my PC!

Best regards


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Which operating system?

Which Video Card? Do you have the latest video card driver for your operating system?

Might be a problem with the video card. Try to set to no video aceleration if it works without a hitch then it is either the driver or card.

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On my Eagle-Condor show that many users viewed, "Hawk", of this forum, observed some similar problems. His PC specs, as I remember, were very similar to yours. As he was helpful and willing, I had him test a couple of variations of the show to isolate the cause. I sent him one version where I had entirely removed the 18mb mp3. Hawk reported that silent version played without the previous problems and all transitions were now very smooth.

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For what it worth, "Eagle-Condor" is running very well on my old machine - Pentium II 450, 256+128MB Ram, Intel 740 8MB (!) video card (I think it is the original version: 37.287.711 byte, downloaded March 2).

Ram and video card are not so important in recent PTE shows. Only in Slide and Push effects the video video card must work a little fast (but in my opinion a good 32 MB card is sure enough). Only the CPU works hardly during transitions.

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I have the same problems with the slide transitions as mentioned by "Severn Bore" :( . My hardware configuration is the following :

- Hardware : DELL Dimension 4500

- Operating System : Windows XP, service pack 1

- Internal memory : 512 MB

- Disc space 80 GB

- PicturesToExe v4.20

In addition I have noticed a question mark next to the "synchronize slide show and music duration" check box. If I click on the question mark a message appears telling me that it is not possible to control the presentation. Maybe it has something to do with that.

I would be very thankful if anyone could help me out with this problem, I'm currently creating a presentation for school and it would be embarrassing for me not to be able to show it.

Kind regards,


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Thanks for the warm welcome alrobin.

Yes I have added two MP3 music files, but as indicated by the question mark I can not control the presentation with the synchronisation function. Without the synchronisation function, but with separate settings per slide the presentation runs fine. I hope that this can be solved because real synchronisation with the music would improve the presentation.

Kind regards,


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As Al said WELCOME !!

Once you get the hang of thinhs you will find PTE great.

I think the issue is that you have not gone wquite far enough into the Synchroization.

WHen you tick the box next to question mark, that is part of the trick. The second trick is to click on the CUSTOMIZE SYNCHRONIZATION bar that gets you access to the TIMELINE.

You do all your synching from there. I usually take it the easy way out and click on TIMED POINTS and ADD ARRANGED POINTS and then move them arround as I want. I use the CUSTOMIZE SLIDE (bottom right of TIMELINE box) to play with the transition time and type.

Hope that helps

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The question mark just opens a general information box about setting up a synchronized show. What version of PTE are you running? Is it a registered copy?

I can't seem to reproduce the notice you are getting.

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My working method is in fact comparable with yours, it seems like there is a timing conflict in my presentation. Maybe it has something to do with the switch from one music track to the other. Also if I change the timing points, the error occurs on other slides than before.


I'm using a registered version of PicturesToExe v4.20. So far my presentation contains 75 slides, and I use slow transitions as well as fast transitions. All transition effects are fade-in/out.

Kind regards,


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Can you combine the MP3s into one track using a sound editing software to see if that makes any differences, not sure why it would, but it might help if the problem occurs arund the change in tracks.

Audacity is a free sound software that will do it for you - there are other softares available too.

I don't see a reference to the indivdual size of the images. (maybe I missed it) Are they around 100-200 kb ?

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I don't know the software you mentioned, but I will try it tomorrow or the day after. It is almost midnight here in Belgium, and tomorrow is another working day.

The individual files are between 100 and 200 kb, except one of them that is about 900 kb. I will resize that image and try again.

Thanks for your help so far,


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Cher Rudy,

I too welcome you!

You'll find Audacity freeware here:


In this same site there is also a good tutorial in English; but an even better tutorial is available (in French) in the Michel's French site about PicturesToExe. See here:


J'espère voir bientôt votre premier diaporama!

P.S. - I tried to write you an e-mail by this forum, but it came back because your hotmail address seems incorrect ("550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable").

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Having the music in two separate files should not be a problem - I can run my shows equally well with two or more music files as with just one amalgamated file. Once you are able to open the timeline you will see a vertical blue bar marking the end of one file and the beginning of the next.

I still don't know how you got that message from pressing the "?" button - on my system (also v 4.20) I see a rather long message giving instructions on what to expect, and how to vary the time between slide transitions.

I am at a loss as to what to suggest next, other than re-installing PTE. That large slide image file could be a problem. If you email me your .pte file, I'll have a look at it for you (don't send any music or image files). Best of luck!

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:huh: I'm really a beginner in this, sorry for that.


Thanks for the information and for noticing the fact that there was an error in my email address, it should work now. I will try Audacity when I have some more time, work you know!


Surprise, surprise, I just checked my installation again and guess what. Yes, if I press the "?" button I see also the long message you mentioned. I had no change to see if the presentation is running well, so I don't know yet. I think that the reason is because the difference between 4.20 BETA and the real 4.20 version of pictures to exe. Yesterday I did an upgrade to the final 4.20 version and tried to run my presentation without completely booting my system, probably this caused al my troubles.

I hope it will work now. But just in case Alrobin, what do you mean with the .pte file ? Is this the executable ?

Thanks for all the help I have received from you all and sorry again for the trouble,


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Sounds like you are making progress. Don't be alarmed if things don't all come together perfectly at first. With PTE you really have to experiment and try different combinations until things start falling into place as you are finding out.

Glad you found the .pte file. This is called the "project" file. When you finish putting the show together, you will want to "create" the show (also accessed from the "file" menu), and produce an executible file, or ".exe" file, which runs on other computers without the need for a special player or any other program.

Good luck - don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it! :)

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the .pte file is very important because opening it (menu File > Open) you can reopen your project and modify it as you like better. When you are creating a slideshow it is advisable you save often your project, to avoid that a computer failure can delete all your work.

To save .pte file is essential when you work on a project for several days: in this case, you must save your project at the end of each session, to restart where you left it. "Saving" (but it's more appropriate to say "creating") only the .exe file, you'll be not able to continue your work.

If you look at a .pte file, you'll see it is very small: actually it is only a text file where are memorized all your choices about your slideshow (you can open it with Notepad, and see all "general" options, and afterwards all the single slides settings).

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Today I had some time to test my presentation again and I want to share my experiences, maybe someone can benefit from it.

I had still two problem area's, one repetitive slide and one slide that waited to long before transitioning to the next. Thanks to this forum I was able to solve both problems :):)

The repetitive slide was due to transitions coming too close together, solved thanks to Alrobin.

The long transition time between two slides was due to a switch between two MP3 music files, it took a while before the second music file started to play. JJR suggested to combine the multiple MP3 files to one, and Guru showed me where to find Audacity. With one MP3 sound track everything works like expected, guys again thanks for your support.

Kind regards,


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