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I create a one-slide "menu" show with buttons linking to other shows on the CD. Since the menu and other exe files are all on the root, things work even though paths point to folders on the desk top computer. I also save the project files and images in separate folders on the CD. When I open the project files from windows explorer, PTE can't find the images in the slide list. The left pane seems to find the images even though they have been moved on my hard drive. I've read here about not using full paths but am not sure how to remove Drive letters and create relative paths. If I alter the direct paths under the slide list in PTE and click "create", a box says "cannot find images". I want to be able to open project files on the CD and have the images apear in the slide list after they are no longer on the desktop hard drive. Perhaps this is not possible in which case I will have to create a new show from scratch from the image folder on the CD rather than editing the old one. But then why save the project files?

The images are also available for viewing on a DVD/jepeg player and I want to use that feature when a computer is not available. Having all images on the CD root would really clutter up the TV screen. All help Appreciated. Garris


Dear Garris, there is a simple solution to your problem. Create your show, then open File menu, Templates, and at last click on Create template from this show.

In C:\, Program Files, PicturesToExe folder you'll find the folder "Templates", and into this folder a folder named "Your_Show.pt" (I don't know what is its name :) ).

In this folder you'll have your .pte project, all your pictures and also your sound file (if in your show you used a background music).

Copy this folder on CD root, together with your .exe, and you'll have all you need with correct paths.


Guru, I see how this places the project file and images in one folder. Taking from that- I found that it works equally well just to place the project file for a show in the image folder for that show not using the template folder at all. This way I can continue to use my "working" folder and back up without getting the "programs" folder involved. Thank you for your excellent advise.


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