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Recently some of my buttons stopped working. I have them placed to "open a file" or to "go to the first slide" or to "exit", and they are not functioning at all. I've tried the standard button option that comes with the program and changed the properties. I've tried my own pictures that I designed as button and programmed them. Nothing. I'm really needing this function to work, and it's becoming critical to my presentations. Can ANYONE PLEASE give me some guidance on why this is not working on some buttons or why it would stop working altogether? I need some major help. Oh, yeah, I also downloaded the newest version and the same thing happens. Not realy sure why.



Does your show have a synchronized music? In this case, verify that in "Project Options" > "Main" you has checked "Permit the control of show" (near "Customize synchronization" button).


Nicole (hope this is the right name - I feel embarrassed to call you "a99iegal"!),

this issue is very unusual. I just made buttons with links (in Object Editor), and all works correctly in 4.20 as well as in previous PTE versions, using two different machines.

Try to uninstall completely PTE, and reinstall v4.20. But if you have templates saved in "Templates" folder (look at C:\Program Files\PicturesToExe\Templates) save them in another location before unistalling!

P.S. - Nicole, never write your e-mail address so clearly. The web is full of spiders that look for "@" character, and capture all addresses they can find to send you spam.



Welcome to the Forum!

Buttons and other links suddenly not functioning can indicate that the links themselves have moved or changed name. I had this happen to me just this week when the file to which I was trying to link was in a different directory.

In this case, you won't get an error message - simply, nothing will happen. Check your links very carefully to ensure that the files are where you think they are, and that the file names match exactly the names being used in PTE.


A very good suggestion, Al! It's true, this can be the reason of Nicole's problems.


Great thanks for the advice on all levels. I thought I had checked that, but you know it never hurts to try, try again...and maybe i was being careless. Thanks for the replies. This has been more helpful than the "technical support" e-mail I got.


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