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1. I would like to be able to rotate the images in the preview window.

2. Automatic way to resize the images to run faster............like 6x9 @72 dpi for screen viewing.

3. Maybe a drag and drop interface.

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Hi Tracy!

as to your wishes 1 and 2, I think these features are not in PTE plans. PicturesToExe is not an image editor: pictures must be somehow prepared (resized, cropped, corrected) by a specific software, even a simple and free one as Irfanview. We cannot demand that PTE becomes also an image (and sound!) editor.

3) Drag and drop interface: what do you mean exactly? You can already drag and drop your pictures from File List to Slide List!


All the other "wishes" I've seen are great, but I want to roll all three of mine into one big one.

I desperately need to be able to run my PtE shows on my secondary monitor, which in my case is a projector. PtE currently runs on my Primary monitor ONLY...and as a Photographer, I want to show my clients their image on the big screen, while running my studio management software on a flat panel monitor on the table in front of me.

I can set up the projector as the Primary monitor, but that's very problematic. Every time I open a program, or have a dialog box, like a print dialog open...it pops up on my projector screen! I'm constantly having to go over to the projector screen during a sale, and drag some offending window or dialog box on to my monitor and out of sight. Also, if I need to do some quick work on that machine, but I don't have clients around, I still have to fire up the projector and burn the hours off my bulb, so I can see my primary display.

If I could tell PtE to open it's show on the secondary monitor, via some kind of command line command...life would be SO much better!



Have you tried running PTE in "windowed mode"? That way you can open it on your secondary monitor / projector. If your studio management software then also had the ability to direct the show onto the secondary, even better.


>>>>Have you tried running PTE in "windowed mode"? That way you can open it on your secondary monitor / projector. <<<<

I CAN ??? Really? How? I guess I'm missing something. When I start a windowed show, it opens on the primary monitor too.

The only way I can see is to leave it bordered, start it, then drag is over while it's running... but that seem's awfully crude!

Is there a way to specify where a windowed show starts? If there is, great! I'll just make the show the same size as my screen resoution with the borders turned off. But how do I tell it to open on the other monitor. Show me!

BTW, I have another thread about this...why don't you reply over there so we don't take this thead off topic!

(more than we already have)

  lenbartz said:
>>>>Have you tried running PTE in "windowed mode"? That way you can open it on your secondary monitor / projector. <<<<

I CAN ??? Really? How? I guess I'm missing something. When I start a windowed show, it opens on the primary monitor too.

Open "Project Options / Screen" and click on "Windowed mode". Specify the window size, whether you want a border or not, and away you go.

But you are right, I suspect you would have to open it and move it to the secondary monitor. I was suggesting this as a "next best" option.



I am a new member. and after years of purchases and hunting around for a functional

Slide Show Program, I accidentally came across your PTE Program - an excellent product.

It does exactly what I want it to do. You are looking for suggestions, I have 3 :-

1) Auto-Hide the Navigation Bar.

The program MGI Photosuite 8.0 does this within 5 secs of Show Start and when you

move the Mouse it pops up again - stays there as you use it - or vanishes again.

2) A Light/Dark or Colour Bar

Appended to each Image (in the Image List) which has been entered into the main

Program Window - or some colour method of indicating the images entered into the

Main Window.

3) Thumb-Nail Preview Screen Organiser.

The best I have worked with is definitely the Mgi Photosuite version and then Irfanview.

With best wishes,

Brian Kelly. Conflow. Dublin




Your item (2). Images entered in the Slide List are highlighted in bold on the main list.

Ron [uK]


PTE does beautiful work, but using the Ken Burns effects could make it much more eye appealing. We wish for a lot but I'd be happy to have that. Thanks!

  Merlin said:

I still dream of animated GIF support.

integrated Flash support would be nice too

 ( I know we have wonderful "add-ons" for this)


;) This is also my wish for P2E.


For me the three most important features to be incorporated are as follows - not in order of importance!

1. A picture pool facility which has the following features

a. ability to move images around by dragging (you cannot do this in adobe album) this is essential.

b. file name on each image

c. ability to add blank spaces or rows. Essentail when editing the placement of images.

d. optional abilty would be to resize the thumbnails

2. Zoom and Pan images with control over speed of movement at the end of a zoom or pan if required.

3. Easier method of editing in the timeline if adding or subtracting one or more images.

Richard Tucker

  richard tucker said:

3. Easier method of editing in the timeline if adding or subtracting one or more images.

I agree wholeheartedly with you (and others) Richard. This seems to me to be the major weakness in an otherwise superb programme.

I hope Igor takes it on board for the next version.

Denwell (NE UK)

  richard tucker said:

1. A picture pool facility which has the following features

a. ability to move images around by dragging (you cannot do this in adobe album) this is essential.

Hi Richard -

This valuable feature is very good already in Adobe Photoshop Album 2. I first make all my desired images into a collection where drag and drop and renaming is as close to automatic as possible. This has much quickened this part of PTE prep for me. Take a look and see if it is what you have in mind.


Hi I am a new user of PTE and first of all I would like to thanks the hautors of PTE for the excellent work.

As a new user my proposal is the following:

Add one transition effect that allows to show-up a slide from a given point of the screen to full screen with a controlled speed and considering a vectorial and linear increase of the size. The origin of the image could be given in percentage of the screen vertical and horizontal sizes or eventually in pixels from a given reference point (corner up-left as an example).

I hope that this proposal will retain your attention ;) .


Guest guru

Welcome aboard, Davide!

Be sure that Igor Kokarev, the creator of PTE, read all these posts, and he's very interested in users' opinions.

But as he is very busy now (he is working hard on next PTE version, that will offer important new features), for now I give you a first and provisory answer to your request.

If I correctly understood your words, what you wish is a particular zoom effect, with a displacement of the picture point of origin. Well, Igor is working since some months on effects with moving images, and the first results of this work are "push" and "slide" effects, just introduced in the last version 4.20. But both these transition effects are not yet perfectly smooth, and still demand some improvements. When this problem will be solved, sure Igor will work on "zoom" effect, requested by several members of this forum, and on yours too.

But WHY these transitions are so difficult to actualize, whereas many other softwares have them? These effects are very easy to make using DirectX and OpenGL libraries, but Igor doesn't want to use them, because of their instability and their too many versions, which can cause a lot of system incompatibilities.

PTE is now working without problems on Windows machines running Windows OS's from 95 to 2003, even if on these machines you can find DirectX v6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 8.0a, 8.1, 8.1b, 9.0, 9.0a and 9.0b... just because PTE doesn't use DirectX libraries!


My request is...

For picturestoexe to continue being the best and affordable software.

For creations of computer presentations, screensavers, and (S)VCD shows! :D

And of course...ALL the above too! ;)


I would to see an expiration date that would not allow a user to change the date back on there computer to gain access to the exe file.

this would really secure the program if I am deleviring a sample file.


Hi Igor,

I appreciate you and PTE!

Here are my 3 most wanted features:

1. Maintain position relationship and relative size of screen elements at any screen resolution. I create mostly 1024 X 768 presentations and they do not look good when shown at other resolutions.

2. Be able to include animated GIFs and/or AVI or MPEG files in presentations.

3. Easier method of editing in the timeline if adding or subtracting one or more images.

Thank you very much!



Currently the startup window can be an image or creator info. I would like to be able to have both. Seems like a small window below the image with the creator info wouldn't be too difficult to implement.


It has all been said so many times now but I would like to endorse the following two major requests:-

1. Embed app in the exe file (Run embedded app) so that we can then have some control over who can use out slide shosws. e.g. Unlock key could then be used as most other software.

2. Ability to sort slides is a great suggestion but if you add this feature an you make the 'dark Table' big enough to cop with a latge number of slides and not restrict it to 40. Also could tyhe thumbnails be displayed in a larger size.



Hi Igor

At the risk of becoming a bore - can I once again stress the importance of being able to select individual and groups of slides (cntl+click) and to move/ rearrange them on the timeline. Having just spent 3 days on a large show I would really appreciate such an addition.

Also - could there be a way of keeping the timeline 'on top' - the constant clicking around to bring it up each time when adding slides certainly does use up valuable time.

It would seem that you are about to unleash a revised beta version on us soon - I look forward to testing it out.

thanks for all your hard work.

Den (NE UK)

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