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I have been building about 2 days on a slideshow, PTE 7.5, I used the beginning of an other (older) show, now finally I tried to make a EXE-file and I got the message that there are some pictures missing. I can't find the place where those pictures are missing. What can I do?

Anybody an idea?


Guest Yachtsman1

Presumably you didn't copy all your images to one folder before assembling into a show? Post a screen shot of the error message you got when you try to make your exe.



Hi Rudi,

The PTE error should identify the names of the missing pictures. Do a Windows Search and find where they are currently on your system. Once you find them, then you have two choices:

1. Move them all to a common place then in Objects and Animations, click on the file name which is missing then click on the Properties tab and by "pictures" click on the far right and navigate to their new location. Select the missing file then double click on it and it will be linked to the new location. Save the PTE file.

2. Write down the locations where the missing files are located then do as above.

Best regards,



Search each of the missing images as Lin says. Copy them and paste them into the folder of your pte-file (project file). Close the project and open it again. Now PTE should find the missing images. Save the project, perhaps using a new name. Create a Backup in Zip (file menu), unzip the zip-archive into a new folder. Now you have your project file and all media in one folder. You can move this folder to other places. PTE will always find what it will need.



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