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This may be a silly question but how do you get a PicturesToExe slideshow to run on a Mac?

I sent a slideshow to a photographer friend in the US and he couldn't work it out. We've borrowed a Mac here and can't work it out either, but then we only know PCs.

We've checked the system requirements page.




In the Publish Menu (PUBLISH SHOW) you can choose to make an "Executable File for PC" or an "Executable File for MAC".

Which one are you trying to play on the MAC?

If you are trying to play the PC variant then the MAC will need to be able to run Windows (Parallels etc).

The other possiblilty for cross-platform use is to create an MP4 or AVI (from the same menu). File sizes can be quite high but are ideal for sending on a CD or DVD or on a USB Memory Key (in the post). MAC users usually have Quick Time which will play these files.

There is quite a lot written here about using (up to) 1920x1080 MP4 files which will then play on a suitably equipped TV with USB input and Media Player.

However if it MUST be for use on a MAC then "Executable File for MAC" is probably the best option. It then runs in the same way as other similar files on that platform.


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