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Hello all,

I have been asked to provide copies of eight of my travel slideshows in a Mac version for a presentation. I would like to link the files so the eight slideshows will run one after another automatically. This works well on Windows but I have not been able to find the correct syntax or the Mac file I should point to in the Project Options|Advanced|Run Slideshow dialog.

I know I could combine all the shows into one but I would like to avoid doing the extra work if possible. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Knapp Hudson


You can use .app file extension instead of .exe. I have tested it with 2 mac slideshows and it works.

If you create a slideshow for mac and name it 1 and then create another slideshow for mac and name it 2 then 1.app can run 2.app and vice versa.

This assumes you have all your slideshows in the same folder so the path does not change.



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