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I have added a Go Pro Hero 4 to my camera bag and I am exploring its capabilities.

So far I have been able to play 4k and 2.7k video (mp4) directly transferred from camera to PTE using the PTE converter. A considerable amount of zooming and panning is possible.

The in camera 4k and 2.7k time lapse mp4's are not directly recognized by PTE and will probably need to be run through the GP software first.

First impressions are good.



That's a great little camera Dave - now you just need a little quad-copter to go with.... those are both on my "bucket" list....

Best regards,



The 'copters are very popular and I have seen some stunning aerial stills of local landmarks that give a totally different perspective.

Never say never but I don't think so!! :)




I have got the 4K Time Lapse files back to my PC and run them through the GP Software.

The option to save the 4K file as a 1920x1080 MP4 produces another MP4 which PTE accepts (without the need for converting) and plays smoothly.

If the 4K OUTPUT as MP4 is chosen then the file produced is 3840x2160 MP4 and, after converting in PTE, plays smoothly in a PTE show. In a 1920x1080 Project it allows for a 200% Zoom/Pan.



Sounds like a great combo. I just received an email from Alexandre Jenny, the founder of Kolor (makers of probably the best video 3D panorama and still image panorama software in the world) that they had just joined forces with GoPro. I expect we will see some intereting software for the GoPro very soon...

Best regards,



Their existing software gave me a few small problems initially but as with all software, once you find out by "tinkering" it comes together in the end. It relies on a fast "up to date" processor and requires the latest Open GL so that is why I could not process the files on my laptop while I was away.

If PTE could handle (convert) the RAW Time Lapse mp4 files it would be a big help but Igor has enough to do right now. Maybe in the next version??


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