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Problem creating SVCD slideshows


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I successfully created an exe file for a slideshow and appeared to have successfully converted to an avi file for burning onto a CDR disc complete with transitions and music backgrounds. Playing back through a DVD player and viewing on a TV screen, the slideshow performed successfully at first, but after displaying approximately 50 slides out of a total of 127, the pictures flashed on and off 10 to 12 times during the six seconds allowed per picture. During this, the background music played on as normal. The original exe file played perfectly on the computer. Nero Burn software was used to burn the disc. I can only assume that the fault is either (i) in the encoding from exe to avi (ii) in the Nero Burn software (iii) in faulty CDR discs (iv) in a faulty DVD player. However, the fault is not likely to be in the CDR discs because the music background plays on normally. Can anyone please help?

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The original exe file played perfectly on the computer.  

It seems to me Ken, that this would exclude the culprit you are suggesting?

Trouble is, I am not much help, as the described problem rings familiar, but I can't remember the cause or solution. But I am sure someone will. :)

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I had it happen to me at the first stage of the conversion process to the mpg with tmpgenc -- i added a tune and that fixed it -- i cant figure out how to make the custom sync shows so just go with standard sync -- on one show the picts on the tv were really flyin:)


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Since my last post I have realised that I didn't mention that I used Ulead Video Factory 3 Trial for producing my SVCD. I have had an e-mail from Ulead to ask what are my opinions of the program and I sent them a detailed reply pointing out that wnsoft recommended the program for use with P2E to produce an SVCD or DVD and that it would be a good idea if they had a word with wnsoft to try and resolve the problem!! Let's hope they have some success. I will post any information that comes from them - if any!!

Keep trying


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Thanks lads for the responses to and interest in my queries, but unfortunately I still seem to be seeking a solution. I should have mentioned in my first posting that I went through the whole creative process again and burned onto a second disc. This time the picture flashing began immediately the slideshow was run, lasted for a number of slides, then recovered for a few slides, then returned to flashing again. A result worse than the first attempt.

I will try again with some new, different brand discs but am not very confident that it will work. :(

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