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Hello all, I recently came across a small article about a new AV tool--in an October 1960 magazine! It's kind of funny to see it now and see how things have changed since then so I wanted to attach a scan of the article so you can see it (it's just under 50kbs) Is this possible? I don't see any way to attach anything here in the "post new topic" section. Thanks, Jim in LA.

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My understanding is that attachments are not allowed on the Forum, but there may be other sites where you can upload. Also there may be a problem with copyright but I am not at all sure on that one in view of the age of the article.

Ron [uK]

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That's a riot! Times sure have changed.

Along the same vein, I just heard a news clip today about the inventor of the answering machine (he just died), and his first version was an automated phonograph playing a message from a record, with a wire recorder for recording the response. :) Now all this can be done digitally.

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