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Is there any way that I can insert a previously made exe file into part of a new sequence I am making.


In the slide that you want to "depart" from insert a link to the EXE and use "Action on Mouse Click" in the Common Tab in O&A.

Set it to "Run Slide Show and Return" and then direct the link to the EXE.

Ideally, both shows should be made with the same Version of PTE.

If not, then try one of the other options.

The Link can be Text or any other object such as the Main Image or preferably an invisible rectangle in one corner.

Set the slide to "Wait for Key Press" in Slide Options and when you are returned a mouse click or keyboard action will continue the show.


P.S. You can "chain" EXE's by going to the Project Options / Advanced Tab and use "Run Application or Slideshow on Exit" and point to the EXE that you want to run.

Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Mike

If you add a link to the slide before you want the exe to open, similar to a menu page, that should work, I think. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:




Its also possible to link a previously made slideshow EXE to a SLIDE using Slide Options | Run External Application ... without the need of any mouse click actions.

There is no provision or options available to use RUN SLIDESHOW parameter within the Slide Options.

* You may want to read this old topic for some details of other possibilities using the Run External Application in Slide Options.

Linking finished PTE Shows - General Discussion - WnSoft Forums



Thanks Stu,

I found that to be a very "un-smooth" option with both earlier shows (not the same version) and shows made with the same version.

Lots of "flashing" of different varieties depending on whether the show being linked is from an older version or the current version.

More control of the result is possible with the O&A / Common Tab options but requires a Mouse Click.


P.S. "Inserting" shows and "chaining" shows also require different techniques.


Thanks guys. I will have a play.

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